Revelation of the Word
Revelation of the Word 10/04/2018 Admin

Numbers 23:19
“God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?”
-God instructed Balaam to prophecy a blessing to Israel when compelled to curse them by Balak king of Moab. A picture of the curses that were broken by Christ on the cross so that we may inherit an eternal blessing through His grace. God also reaffirmed & confirms to us today; that His counsels of old are faithfulness & truth; & His promises are yes & amen in Christ Jesus. Just like He promised the people of Israel peace & prosperity by virtue of them inheriting the land of Canaan, He has fulfilled the promise of giving us His Son & the Holy Spirit as prophesied, that love, joy, peace, life everlasting & many other graces may dwell in us. He has also delivered us from evil snares & burdens through the blood of His only Son Jesus Christ & has made us kings & priests that we may dwell in dominion on the earth.
Almighty Father; You are the beginning & the end, the first & the last, we love You with all our hearts. We believe that Your promise of grace & eternal blessing to us & our descendants are true & were accomplished before the foundation of the world. Lord You are not a man that You should lie or a son of man that You should repent, there is no other God but You Jesus. All our hopes are in You Father, fulfill Your promises in our lives, families, societies & nation according to Your will. We know that You have a purpose for each one of us, accomplishing all which You have promised by Your everlasting mercy Lord. All glory, honor, blessing, riches, grace & power belongs to You Lord, forever & ever. Amen
Blessed Tuesday
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