Revelation of the Word
Revelation of the Word 09/03/2018 Admin

Matthew 17:20
“So Jesus said to them, “Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.
-Jesus emphasises on the importance of having faith as little as a mustard seed; one can achieve more that our thoughts can fathom. One can move actual mountains or any form of stumbling blocks in our lives with faith. Looking at the miracles Jesus performed, all the individuals that were impacted had faith. Let us continue to ask God for the gift of faith so that our lives may be transformed for the glory of His name.
-Mountain in Hebrew is written as Har & it means a large landform that stretches above the surrounding land in a specific area, usually steeper than a hill. According to geological studies; mountains are form through tectonic forces or volcanism & are classified into three main types; volcanic, fold & block.
-With great faith Abraham went to Mount Moriah as instructed by God to sacrifice his only son Isaac born to Sarah (Gen 22:14-17). This was a picture of God offering His only Son Jesus at the mountain called Calvary, Golgotha or place of skull for the sake of all mankind. The promises that Abraham received were sealed by circumcision which Christ upgraded to circumcision of our hearts. God later revealed Himself through smoke & thunder at mount Sinai during Sabbath & administered the 10 commandments to the people through Moses. The presence of God was then linked to mountains, trees & other physical features which became & still are common places of worship. The Samaritan woman reveals that they used to worship on a mountain; probably mount Gerizim where Jacob’s well was dug, while the Jews worshiped in the Jerusalem (John 4:20-23). Attributes of praise have also been linked to mountains as personified in Isaiah 49:13. Further, prayer remains key in our communion with God as we are reminded to pray without ceasing & that the Holy Spirit intercedes for us with groaning that cannot be uttered (Rom 8:26). We cannot therefore limit the presence of God to mountains for He is Omnipresent & dwells in our hearts that we may worship Him from anywhere & at anytime.
Holy & Almighty Father we call on You today with humility in our hearts. We ask that You increase our faith so that we may move all mountains that cause a threat in our lives, families, society & nation in Your mighty name Jesus. Help us to know You & love You more every day. All glory & praise belongs to You now & forever. Amen
Blessed Weekend
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