Revelation of the Word: Revelation of the Word:
THEME: VINDICATE ME LORD Genesis‬ ‭30:6‬ ‭‬‬ “Then Rachel said, “God has vindicated me; he has listened to my plea and given me a... Revelation of the Word:


Genesis‬ ‭30:6‬ ‭‬‬

“Then Rachel said, “God has vindicated me; he has listened to my plea and given me a son.” Because of this she named him Dan.”
-The word vindicate in Hebrew is written as qadash which means to be consecrated or set apart. It is also written as din which means to execute judgement or defend. You know the story of Jacob who was labored for Leah for seven years and another seven years for Rachel. Even though that was not the plan from the inception because Laban tricked him. Rachel was barren like her grandmother Sarah, and she got jealous when her co-wife Leah bore children. She set out her maid servant Bilhah and she bore Jacob a son, Dan who Rachel looked at in the eyes of her vindication. Many are men and women who are praying to God for vindication. Vindication from injustice and shame. Some women have lost the hope of having children and are almost giving us. Other men and women have lost patience in waiting on God for their spouses. Many others are crying to God day and night for jobs, business opportunities, and they cannot provide the basic needs. Some are disillusioned by diseases they are suffering from or illnesses affecting their relatives. Numerous others have lost hope of living on as they mourn the death of their loved ones. These are some of the challenges that we go through, as some among us are slowly going into depression. Rachel did not give up but she still believed that the Lord would give her; her own children. God gave her a son Joseph and hoped that the Lord would give her another son (Genesis‬ ‭30:24‬). The Lord calls us to wait patiently on Him, to be strong and to take heart and He will answer our hearts desires according to His will. ‬
Vindicate me Oh Lord according to Your righteousness and mercy. Vindicate us and wash us with Your precious blood. Vindicate our families and do a just cause to us. Vindicate those who are unmarried and keep Your promise unto them. Vindicate those who are separated and divorced, and reunite them through Your merciful love. Vindicate all the single mothers and fathers and grant them Your grace of marriage. Vindicate all those who are waiting on You for the gift of children and fill their quivers. Children are a heritage from You Lord. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their opponents in court. Vindicate us and bless us Your children with the gift of children. Vindicate our churches and cause many to turn to You. Vindicate our nation and deliver us corruption and injustice. Lord may You arise for our cause and contend with justice for us Your people. May You heal all the broken hearted and touch them with Your hand of grace dear Jesus. We cast our burdens unto You Jesus for You care for us. Your burden is light and Your yoke is easy. We take up Your yoke and surrender all unto You. Father may You answer us and help us in our time of need for we choose to put our trust in You. You are a faithful and loving God. We worship You and praise You. Thank You for we know that You will do it for Your glory and honor. We pray all this in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

Blessed Week

Further reading: Psalm 9:4, Psalm 27:14

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