Revelation of the word Revelation of the word
THEME: BLESS THE LORD Psalms‬ ‭34:1-4‬ ‭‬‬ “I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth. My... Revelation of the word


Psalms‬ ‭34:1-4‬ ‭‬‬

“I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth. My soul shall make its boast in the Lord; The humble shall hear of it and be glad. Oh, magnify the Lord with me, And let us exalt His name together. I sought the Lord, and He heard me, And delivered me from all my fears.”

-David narrated this Psalm when he was In danger. King Saul pursued him and threatened his life with death. David crossed over to Gath and pretended to be insane, and the Lord saved his life from danger (1 Samuel 21:12-14). David worshipped in every situation, whether he was threatened with death, or secure in victory. David trusted in God; in all circumstances and boasted of His goodness. Like king David, the Lord desires that we bless His name and give thanks to Him always. God calls us to rejoice in Him always (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).

Blessed is the man who trusts in You Lord, who depends on You in all circumstances. All our hope and trust is in You Oh Lord our God. The righteous cry out and You Lord hear their cry, may You hear and prayers and supplications Abba Father, and deliver us out of all our troubles. Lord You are near those who have a broken heart, and You save those who have a contrite spirit. We call on You dear Jesus save us from the snares of the enemy and cover us with Your precious blood. Lead us not into temptations Holy Spirit and deliver us from all evil. May You heal our hearts and minds from all anxiety, and secure us in Your arms merciful Savior. We cast all our burdens and cares unto You Jesus for You care for us. May You heal us physically, emotionally, financially, economically, and move us from glory to glory. May You respond to the needs of those who are sick, weak, hopeless and struggling. May You hear the cry of all orphans, widows, fatherless and street families. May You respond to all our needs and hearts desires loving Father. We love You Lord and bless Your name. We give thanks to You always and exult You, now and forever. Amen
Blessed Thursday

Further reading: Psalms 34:1-22, Philippians 4:4-7

FB Page: Love of Christ Foundation CBO

