Revelation of the Word:
Revelation of the Word 13/10/2020 Admin

1 Samuel 23:29
“And David went up from there and lived in the strongholds of En Gedi.”
-After David had delivered the city of keilah from the Philistines, Saul pursued him. He inquired of the Lord and ran to the strongholds for safety. With his six hundred men, they escaped to the strongholds of Ziph in the forest before fleeing to the wilderness of Maon and finally En Gedi. These were places of refuge where David and his men found safety. At En Gedi which is also called the “Rock of Escape”, David got an opportunity to slay king Saul when he was relieving himself; but chose to cut the edge of his robe. The stronghold of En-Gedi was situated along the western shore of the Dead Sea, which was rocky and had huge palm trees, vineyards and other vegetation. Song of Solomon 1:14 reveals that En Gedi was a place filled with vineyards, and after king Saul went home, David remained there with his men. The stronghold of En Gedi gives us a picture of Christ as our Vine, Rock and our Foundation. As our Foundation, our Christian faith is founded upon Him through His death and resurrection. As the Vine, Christ is our Savior and Redeemer, and by the shedding of His blood we have peace in Him, victory and hope of eternal life.
Jesus You are our Rock and Foundation, our Stronghold in whom we put all our trust. You are the Rock which the builders rejected and have become the Chief Cornerstone. Sprinkle Your precious blood Jesus upon us that we may stand firm in faith until the end. Wash our children with Your precious blood as they go to school and as the others stay at home that Your sure protection may always be upon them. Sprinkle Your blood upon our relationships and marriages that we may be establish in love that never fails. Sprinkle Your precious blood upon our churches that only Your true word may be ministered and many will come to salvation in You. Wash all the street families, orphans, those imprisoned, the sick and suffering with Your precious blood that Your healing hand may touch their hearts. Sprinkle Your precious blood upon our nation and leaders that only Your voice may be heard and Your will be done. You are our Chief Cornerstone in whom we stand upon and rely on for strength and safety, save us all dear Jesus. You are our hiding place we seek refuge, strength and victory in You. Jesus You are the Vine and we are the branches, we seek Your divine help in all things that we may bear much fruit according to Your will. All glory, honor, power and strength belongs to You now and forever. Amen
Blessed Tuesday
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