Revelation of the Word Revelation of the Word
THEME: DESTINY RE-ALIGNERS Genesis‬ ‭18:23-26‬ ‭ “And Abraham came near and said, “Would You also destroy the righteous with the wicked? Suppose there were... Revelation of the Word


Genesis‬ ‭18:23-26‬ ‭

“And Abraham came near and said, “Would You also destroy the righteous with the wicked? Suppose there were fifty righteous within the city; would You also destroy the place and not spare it for the fifty righteous that were in it? Far be it from You to do such a thing as this, to slay the righteous with the wicked, so that the righteous should be as the wicked; far be it from You! Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?” So the Lord said, “If I find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city, then I will spare all the place for their sakes.””
-We all know this story of Sodom and Gomorrah. Before it’s destruction, Abraham made an appeal to God, that He may save the righteous among the wicked. Possibly in his mind, he had the idea of God saving his nephew Lot from destruction by fire along with Sodom. Here Abraham demands the righteousness of God, and in his appeal, he implies that if God expects justice from Abraham through faith, surely He Himself must be just. Abraham maintains from God’s own character that God must treat the righteous justly. He asks a fundamental question that, how can God destroy a city that has fifty righteous residents? Abraham contends with God in prayer and realigns the destinies of Lot and his family. Many brethren among us pray for us, and often so without our knowledge. Sometimes everything goes well, and we think it is only by God’s favor. Often times it is through the prayers of our parents, pastors, friends, mentors etc, for the prayers of a righteous man avails much (James 5:16). Some among us came to salvation through the prayers of our own mothers. This is a reason to praise God, for we have the sure of hope of having received the gift of eternal life, having been saved from everlasting fire.

We give thanks to You Lord for You are good and Your mercies endures forever. We praise Your name Lord for You are Righteous and Your righteousness is everlasting. We exult You Abba Father for You are Just and Your justice transcends to all generations. Oh Lord You are worthy. Oh Lord You are able. Mighty Father You are loving and Your love is immeasurable. We come to Your feet dear Jesus with humble adoration asking You to forgive us all our trespasses and wash us with Your precious blood. May we decrease as You increase. May You be glorified in all the earth. We pray for Your gift of salvation among our family members, friends, our nation, and all the nations of the world. May You remember mercy dear Jesus. May Your revive spring forth in this nation, and help us to be partakers of it. May You touch our hearts and respond to our needs according to Your divine will. May You heal all the sick among us and restore the destinies of those who wonder aimlessly in the streets. May You restore our business and our economy dear Jesus. May You restore our marriages and future plans. No witchcraft or evil snare will work against us dear Jesus, for You have redeemed us with Your blood. Your blood speaks better things than that of Abel. May Your justice and peace be felt in our lives, homes, societies, nation and all the nations of the world. Thank You Jesus for loving us. We pray all this trusting in Jesus Mighty name. Amen

Blessed Tuesday

Further reading: Hebrews 12:24, Galatians 6:2-3

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