Revelation of the Word
Revelation of the Word 09/05/2022 Admin

2 Kings 5:1-3
“Now Naaman, commander of the army of the king of Syria, was a great and honorable man in the eyes of his master, because by him the Lord had given victory to Syria. He was also a mighty man of valor, but a leper. And the Syrians had gone out on raids, and had brought back captive a young girl from the land of Israel. She waited on Naaman’s wife. Then she said to her mistress, “If only my master were with the prophet who is in Samaria! For he would heal him of his leprosy.””
–Sometimes we hear great speakers say that, “you should explore your potential and become the best in your area of influence”. Often times it sounds easy but it takes the hand of God to succeed. Having great potential might not be enough. Many people died with their great talents and gifts, unnoticed and undiscovered, because they lacked destiny connectors. There comes a time in one’s life that all what your destiny needs is just the right connection. Someone once said, “the distance between where you are right now, and where you desire to be is not in kilometers, but in the minds.” That is, between you and your healing, prosperity, promotion, achievement and breakthrough, are people, and the earlier you locate them, the better for you. Naaman, was a great Syrian army general who suffered from leprocy. If it were not for the little slave girl serving his wife, probably he could have died of the disease. The girl although she was a slave, and possibly unconsidered in the society, she had information about the solution to Naaman’s problem. It is possible that low ranking servants in our midst have great information that would transform our lives. Unfortunately, some of us despise them, including our house girls, security guards, messengers, cleaners etc, possibly due to pride. Naaman did not take the information from the slave girl casually but obeyed, and when he met with Elisha who told him to go to the river Jordan and wash seven times, he was made clean.
Dear Everlasting Father we come to You with thanksgiving in our hearts. We appreciate You Lord for Your faithfulness and love upon our lives. We glorify Your holy name for You are Great and greatly to be praised. You are worthy and highly exulted. There is no any other God but You. There is no one like You Jesus. Nothing is too hard for You. Only You know us and only You can salvage our circumstances. Only You can heal our diseases, open new doors of opportunity for us and answer our hearts desires. May You join us with the right destiny connectors so that we may move from one glory to the next. May such unions cause a new refreshing, healing, breakthrough, promotion, blessings for the glory of Your name. May You fill our hearts with humility so that we may respect all people disregarding their social, education and financial status. Teach us dear Jesus to love one another as we love ourselves, and to always do good to each other. May You teach us Your kingdom principles and separate us from evil company, which destroys good morals. May You bless us and open many doors of opportunity for us, for the glory and honor of Your name. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with us now, and forever more. Amen
Blessed Week
Further reading: Proverbs 18:12, Proverbs 15:33
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