Revelation of the Word:
Revelation of the Word 28/11/2024 Admin

Isaiah 40:31 NKJV
“But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.”
-We live by hope each day depending on God for strength and renewal. Psalm 27:14 reminds us to wait for the Lord and be strong and take courage in Him. The Lord assures us that once we wait on Him patiently that He shall help us and renew our strength amidst social, economic, emotional, and psychological challenges that we might be faced with daily.
Dear Lord Jesus, we wait on You for help and strength, You are our Strength and Shield. You are our only hope of salvation and support. Our hearts wait on You, our souls depend on You, please help us. Please deliver us and all those who are down trodden and down cast. Our heart are glad in You and we trust in Your holy name. Let Your steadfast love O Lord be upon u even as we hope in You our merciful Savior. We shall wait on You Lord for renewal of strength. We shall mount up with wings like eagles. We shall run and not be weary. We shall walk and not faint. All our hope and trust is in You. We give You praise and adoration, and it is in Jesus mighty name we pray. Amen
Blessed Thursday
Further reading: Isaiah 64:4