Revelation of the Word: Revelation of the Word:
THEME: BIBLICAL BUSINESS PRINCIPLES Ecclesiastes‬ ‭11:1-2‬ ‭‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ “Cast your bread upon the waters, For you will find it after many days. Give a serving... Revelation of the Word:


Ecclesiastes‬ ‭11:1-2‬ ‭‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

“Cast your bread upon the waters, For you will find it after many days. Give a serving to seven, and also to eight, For you do not know what evil will be on the earth.”
-Invest part of your income. The author of this text may have derived his thoughts from the analogy of a farmer, who sows seed upon the waters or fertile ground. He expressly speaks of sowing seed in Ecclesiastes 11:6 saying, “In the morning sow your seed, and in the evening do not withhold your hand; for you do not know which will prosper, either this or that, or whether both alike will be good.” In verse 2, he enhances the thought of investment and diversification of one’s portfolio. He encourages us to invest and take risks as we place our trust in God for a better return in the future. Also, to invest in a diversified portfolio. He uses the number seven; probably to mean a complete assortment and, eight to encourage us to go the extra mile, for we do not know what evil may come upon the land. When we make such investments, then we need not to worry about uncertain times like the upcoming general elections, drought, locusts invasions, COVID-19 etc, which might discourage us. Like we reviewed yesterday, Joseph invested and saved grain for seven years, and during the years of drought he had enough for his nation Egypt, and their neighboring countries. We do not need to fear while making Investments but to trust in God, who did not give us the spirit of fear but sound mind, love and power (2 Timothy 1:7).

Lord we come before You today with thanksgiving in our hearts. We thank You and exult Your holy name for Your faithfulness and love. We thank You for You are always faithful unto us even when we become faithless. We thank You Father for enabling us to see this day and for the gift of life. We appreciate You dear Jesus for giving us the spirit of sound mind, love and power. May You train us on how to invest well and help us to reap a hundred fold according to Your good pleasures. May You expose our minds to greater possibilities and expand our vision to see and do more. May You lead us into new and better opportunities, and may You bless the work of our hands. May You give us the grace of increase and grant us favor before You and among men. We humbly ask You dear Jesus to deliver us and our nation from pride, fraud and corruption, and wash us with Your precious blood. Prosper us dear Jesus in all our ways. Thank You Abba Father for loving us and for this far that You have brought us. You are worthy and able dear Jesus. All glory, honor, power, praise, riches, wealth and blessings belong to You dear Jesus now and forever. Amen

We will continue examining this theme next week God willing

Blessed Weekend

Further reading: 2 Corinthians 9:6

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