Revelation of the Word: Revelation of the Word:
THEME: FEAR OF DEATH Jonah 1:11-12 “The sea was getting rougher and rougher. So they asked him, “What should we do to you to... Revelation of the Word:


Jonah 1:11-12

“The sea was getting rougher and rougher. So they asked him, “What should we do to you to make the sea calm down for us?” “Pick me up and throw me into the sea,” he replied, “and it will become calm. I know that it is my fault that this great storm has come upon you.”


-The book of Jonah narrates an interesting story of God’s compassion and love. Jonah was instructed by God to go and preach in the land of Nineveh where the wickedness of the people had reached Him. Jonah rebelled and ran away from God to Tarshish. After he boarded the ship, the Lord caused a violent storm that threatened to destroy them. As the other sailors threw their luggage into the sea in the quest to save their lives, Jonah was asleep in the deck below. Jonah had learnt the heart of God. He trusted in God completely and never feared death. The captain was shocked to find Jonah lying there in a deep sleep while all the other people aboard were distressed. He later revealed to them that he was the cause of the calamity and that he worshipped God the Creator of the sea and dry land. By this Jonah acknowledged God’s sovereignty over nature and all creation. He then asked them to throw him into the sea. He did not fear the raging sea even though he knew very well that he could not swim in such conditions but trusted in God. The Lord sent a giant whale to swallow him and deliver him to Nineveh. We should worship the God of Jonah and put all our trust in Him, and He will deliver us from all our troubles including those that seem like death traps.


We give thanks to you Lord our God with all our hearts and tell of all Your wonderful deeds. We rejoice and are glad in You. We sing praises to Your name our Lord Most High and tell of all Your wonderful deeds. You have blessed us. You have protected us and provided for all our needs. You have sustained us and given us the gift of salvation. We praise Your name and lift You high. How wonderful is Your name Lord our God. How powerful is Your name everlasting King. We praise You alone our Lord and God. All the gods are made by human hands and cannot deliver, but only Your Jesus are our Savior. We worship You and give You all our praise. We put all our trust in You Jesus and celebrate Your love and compassion upon our lives. Increase our faith in You Jesus and teach us to rely on You fully. May You grant us the grace to be bold and courageous as we hope in You. All our hope and trust is in You Lord our God. All glory, honor, power and praise belongs to You Jesus, now and forever. Amen

Blessed Tuesday

Further reading: Psalm 95:1-3

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