Revelation of the Word:
Revelation of the Word 01/05/2024 Admin

Proverbs 16:24 NIV
”Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.“
-Often times have we observed bosses who thrive in uttering abuse and discriminating language to their employees. They bash their workers with continuous rebukes at the workplace. This causes demotivation by their employees leading to low or poor productivity and general performance. The Bible reminds us that words filled with grace are as sweet as the honeycomb and they cause healing to the bones. Also, light in a messengers eyes bring joy to the heart and good news give health to the bones (Proverbs 15:30). We are all called to edify one another with words that yield life and shun away from speaking words that lead to death to a person, family, workplace, community or nation. Ezekiel was told to prophecy to dry bones and they lived, and they stood like a great army. As we begin this new month of grace, mercy and favor, let us remember to ask for God’s mercy and grace amidst the floods, in our work, families, ministries, nation and nations of the world. Let us declare that we shall eat the fruit of our labour; blessings and prosperity are ours according to Psalms 128:2.
Dear Lord Jesus we thank You for this wonderful day that You have enabled us to see. Thank You for Your goodness, mercy, grace and favor upon us. We humbly ask You forgive all our sins, iniquities and transgressions that we have committed though our words, thoughts, deeds, in our nation and all the earth. May You remove all accusations against us dear Lord Jesus and cause us rest amidst the floods and world wars. May You calm every storm in our lives, jobs, businesses, economy, churches, nation, nations of the world and grant us rest. We humbly ask that You shall grant us success and victory in our work and open up new opportunities for us to prosper. We pray that every delay or failure in our lives, jobs and businesses be removed now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. We prophesy and declare that every dry bone will live in our lives, families, businesses, schools, hospitals and nation, according to Your grace and mercy Lord Jesus. May the rains cause productivity and fruitfulness in our land rather than floods and destruction. May You remember all those who are jobless that You may grant them meaningful jobs merciful Father. May You bless the work of our hands and make us fruitful, multiply us and enable us to fill the earth according to Your divine blessings. We declare that we shall eat the fruit of our labour; and inherit blessings and prosperity that come from You Abba Father. Our wives are like fruitful vines and our children like olive shoots in the might name of Jesus Christ. We are the blessed of the Lord and we shall live to see our children’s children. We are the blessed of the Lord and shall inherit the earth through faith and inherit the kingdom of heaven according to Your grace and mercy, dear Lord Jesus. We honor You Lord and give You praise, and it is Jesus mighty name we pray believing and trusting. Amen
Further reading: Micah 6:2, Psalms 128:1-6
Blessed Labour Day