Revelation of the Word: Revelation of the Word:
THEME: BUILDING GOD’S TEMPLE 2 Chronicles 3:3-10 NIV “The foundation Solomon laid for building the temple of God was sixty cubits long and twenty... Revelation of the Word:


2 Chronicles 3:3-10 NIV

The foundation Solomon laid for building the temple of God was sixty cubits long and twenty cubits wide (using the cubit of the old standard). The portico at the front of the temple was twenty cubits long across the width of the building and twenty cubits high. He overlaid the inside with pure gold. He paneled the main hall with juniper and covered it with fine gold and decorated it with palm tree and chain designs. He adorned the temple with precious stones. And the gold he used was gold of Parvaim. He overlaid the ceiling beams, doorframes, walls and doors of the temple with gold, and he carved cherubim on the walls. He built the Most Holy Place, its length corresponding to the width of the temple—twenty cubits long and twenty cubits wide. He overlaid the inside with six hundred talents of fine gold. The gold nails weighed fifty shekels. He also overlaid the upper parts with gold. For the Most Holy Place he made a pair of sculptured cherubim and overlaid them with gold.”


-King Solomon was given the measurements and designs of how the temple would be built. The entire structure on the inside was overlaid completely with pure gold. The greater house he ceiled with fir trees, and he overlaid those with fine gold, and he set thereon palm trees and chains. And he garnished the house with precious stones for beauty: and the gold was the gold of Parvaim. He overlaid also the house, with the beams, and the posts, and the walls thereof, and the doors thereof, with gold; and he carved cherubim on the walls. And he made the most holy place, the length according to the breadth of the house, was thirty feet, and the breadth of it thirty feet: and he overlaid it with fine gold, which came to six hundred talents. He also overlaid the upper chambers with gold, and the most holy house he made two cherubim, and he overlaid them with gold. The cherubim are seen to protect the presence of the Lord, and when Adam and Eve exited the garden of Eden, cherubin with flaming swords came to protect the way to the tree of life (Genesis 3:24). The Lord calls us to be vessels of honor, as our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit who lives in us. Vessels of honor are made of gold, and are used in the temple of our God. Since the Holy Spirit comes to dwell in us once we believe in Jesus Christ, God calls us to flee from sexual immorality which is sin against our own bodies, and not outside the body. Sexual immorality in itself is a destructive weapon that kills individuals, marriages and purposes. The Lord calls us maintain holiness and dignity through following His word, for we were bought at a price and should glorify the Lord in our bodies and in our spirit’s which belong to God (1 Corinthians 6:15-20).


Lord You are great and greatly to be praised. How great are You Lord our God in all the heavens and the earth. How great are Your purposes in all the earth. How great is Your love for us dear Jesus that You became sin and liberated from the eternal curse of sin, by giving us eternal life. How great is Your love for each one of us, we love You Lord. May You forgive us dear Jesus for the times we have committed sexual immorality and other sins. Wash us with Your precious blood Jesus, we humbly beseech You. May You heal us, and all the youth from addictions. We offer our bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to You our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, which is true and proper worship, may You heal our hearts and renew our minds. May You heal all those who are sick and suffering in hospitals and at home dear Jesus and provide for the resources required. May You heal our businesses and economy Abba Father. May You heal us from physical, relational, social, economic, financial, emotional and psychological distress, dear Jesus. By Your stripes we are healed. May our purposes bear much fruit in our lives according to Your divine grace. We love You Lord and bless Your holy name, now and forever. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with us now, and forever more. Amen

Further reading: 2 Timothy 2:20-21

Blessed Wednesday
