Revelation of the Word Revelation of the Word
THEME: JOY I Kings‬ ‭1:40‬ ‬‬‬‬ ‭“And all the people went up after him; and the people played the flutes and rejoiced with great... Revelation of the Word


I Kings‬ ‭1:40‬ ‬‬‬‬

‭“And all the people went up after him; and the people played the flutes and rejoiced with great joy, so that the earth seemed to split with their sound.”‬‬‬‬
-Joy in Hebrew is written as simchah which means to rejoice, delight, triumph or to have a feeling of great pleasure, gladness & happiness. It is the desire of every human being to live a life full of joy & happiness, made possible by the Holy Spirit (Gal 5:22). Many instances of joy can be traced in the Bible including:- Israelites deliverance from Egypt (Ex 18:9-11), return from the Babylonian exile (Jer 31:1-19 ), their restoration (Ps 14:7), corporate worship (Deu 16:13-15 ; 2 Chr 30:21-22, Ps 122:1), harvest & military victory (Isa 9:3 ), enjoyment in wine (Ps 104:15 ), marriage (Pro 5:18 ), child birth (Ps 113:9 ), Gods’ steadfast love (Ps 32:11 ), in Gods’ word (Ps 119:14 ), believers reward (Isa 65:14 ), with wine (Ps 104:15), birth of Christ brought joy to all people ( Lk 2:10 ), Christs’ ascension (Lk 24:52 ), angels rejoice in unbeliever’s conversion (Lk 10:20 ), believers rejoice in trials & persecution (Jam 1:2 ), God’s kingdom is associated with righteousness, peace & joy (Rom 14:17 ), joy in salvation & that our names are written in heaven (Lk 10:20 ), constant rejoicing (Phi 4:4) etc.
-There was great distress in Israel when Adonijah son of Haggith exulted himself, sacrificed oxen, cattle & sheep, & became king. He invited all the king’s sons, commanders of the army, & Abiathar the priest to the celebration who praised him saying “long live King Adonijah!” Nathan the prophet intervened & adviced Bathsheba the mother of Solomon to let the news known to king David & request for him to anoint Solomon her son as king. King David then called in prophet Nathan, Benaiah & Zadok the priest who anointed Solomon king of Israel. The coup attempt was reversed & there was celebration & rejoicing in the whole of Jerusalem. Likewise, many times in the hope of liberation & abundance of joy, we pray God to propel our lives, families & nation forward in His mercy as promised in His word.

We thank You Jehovah for Your marvelous splendor upon all the earth. You have made this beautiful day & enabled us to see it, we rejoice & are glad. Remember our nation Father at this time we are faced by many challenges including corruption, poor governance, high levels of unemployment, mismanagement of public funds & low economic growth & many other challenges Lord. Intervene in our national affairs & direct our leaders in Your will merciful Father. Lord also remember our personal needs & those of our families, hear us & answer us Father that our joy may be full. All glory & praise belongs to You Lord. Amen

Blessed Week

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Revelation Of The Word
