Revelation of the Word:
Revelation of the Word 12/01/2024 Admin

Galatians 3:11 NIV
”Clearly no one who relies on the law is justified before God, because “the righteous will live by faith.”
–Jesus the Righteous One has released unto us His grace that we may be saved and not by our own work or the law lest anyone should boast. Jesus has made us righteous by redeeming us with His precious blood and resurrection, and if we have faith in Him, we possess eternal life. We should then approach God’s throne of grace with courage and boldness so that we may obtain mercy and grace to help us during our time of need. Since God has adopted us into sonship, we are His children, and should come to Him with an attitude of a child completed submitted by faith in Him and He will guide us in all things during this year.
Moses was the meekest man and he walked with God. He requested God that He may go before him and if He does not go, then Moses would not proceed. In the same attitude, Moses instructed Joshua to be strong and courageous for the Lord would never leave him nor forsake him. God gave Joshua the same instructions in Joshua 1:5-9 and reassured him of His companionship. Joshua had displayed attributes of faith and courage even when he was sent as a spy in the land of Canaan together with the twelve spies. Joshua and Caleb brought a good report to Moses and the Israelites, and God promised that they would enter Canaan even as the ten spies perished (Numbers 14:6-9). They did not consider the giants in the land but looked at the goodness of God. Joshua was able to enter Canaan with the Israelites and subdivided the land to the twelve tribes. King David also instructed Solomon his son to be strong and courageous in the Lord for He will never fail him nor forsake him, but he would successfully complete the construction of the temple (1 Chronicles 28:20). God has given us a new year and He is calling us to be strong and courageous as we put our trust in Him in our personal lives, work, ministries, families, economy and nation. When we are faced by shortcoming we need to be stronger and more courageous, and we shall overcome. It is by God’s grace that we have made it this far and we need to keep the attitude of thanksgiving having courage for God will never leave us nor forsake us. It is by the grace of God that we are who we are in the Lord, children of God and heirs with Christ, and therefore have the promise and gift of everlasting life.
Almighty Heavenly Father, how great and holy are You Oh God. There is truly none like You. You are glorious in holiness, fearful in praises and a wonder-working God. Thank You for the sacrifice You gave us when You hang and died on the cross. Thank You for Your precious blood that cleanses us and purifies us, making us whiter than snow. Thank You for Your blood that speaks better things than that of Abel in our lives, families, circumstances, nation and future. May Your precious blood sanctify us from all our sins, unbelief and complains and continue speaking for us great things than any other blood out there. Oh Lord we thank You for all You have done and the great plans You have for us. Thank You for You have great plans in our lives, to give us a hope and future. Father may You go before us in this walk of faith for without You we can do nothing. Teach us to look to You always with the eyes of faith that we may see clearly. May You teach us to have the correct mindset and to look at the positive side of life always. May You remove every fear, anxiety, complain, worry in our lives and situations. May You make every impossibility possible in this year that we may never fail or be put to shame, for Your great pleasures and will. May You make us like little children having complete trust and faith in You in all things that we may enter into Your kingdom. We pray that in all situations of our lives, You shall take over and reign in everything. We surrender all unto You and put all our trust in You. We pray this believing and trusting in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.
Further reading: Hebrews 11:6, Ephesians 2:8-9
Blessed Weekend