Revelation of the Word Revelation of the Word
Theme: CENSUS Numbers 3:15 “Number the children of Levi by their fathers’ houses, by their families; you shall number every male from a month... Revelation of the Word


Numbers 3:15

“Number the children of Levi by their fathers’ houses, by their families; you shall number every male from a month old and above.”

-The tribe of Levi, the Levites were in charge of the tabanercle of meeting & were 22,000 in number.
-Another census was conducted on the first born’s of the children of Israel; 1 month of age (22,273) where the excess 273; were redeemed by 5 shekels each to Aaron & his sons (Num 3:46-48).
-Christ is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation (Col 1:15).

Forgive us all our sins; Jesus. Bless Your servants who You called to serve in the church. Bring Your Word to remembrance in them; Holy Spirit that they may be led in wisdom & truth to strengthen the people. Amen

Blessed Tuesday.
