We, the love of Christ foundation CBO feed 60 children living in the streets, in Nairobi Grogon daily during this period of COVID-19. Most... OUR MISSION_INCEPTION

We, the love of Christ foundation CBO feed 60 children living in the streets, in Nairobi Grogon daily during this period of COVID-19. Most of the children here are orphans and cannot access food during this difficult time. In Nairobi alone, there are over 15,000 children living in the streets and approximately 40% of them sleep hungry. Initially, we were able to feed 60 children from a hotel offering a plate of balanced diet food at a costs Ksh. 50, but now we provide maize meal and cooking oil where they cook for themselves. We thank God for the partnership we have with the Bible Society of Kenya who come on board to teach them the word of God and sometimes fund the feeding program. We have many other partners at an individual and corporate level. All glory to God.

With more financial resources, we can easily reach more children in Nairobi and all over the country and if God wills; many will come to salvation. The finances will also help repatriate those who wish to go back home and offer other diverse forms of support. In the long-term, we purpose to transform the lives of the street children/ families by providing education, rehabilitation, housing, training and employment opportunities by building sustainable projects so that they may have a better future, for the glory of God. In case anyone is able to provide counselling, training or any other form of support, he/she is welcome to come on board. Donations like food, clothing and household goods can be dropped at Hazina Towers; Utalii lane; ground floor; Technohub Technologies and Electronics Ltd, and we will make sure they reach the needy as God will direct us. For financial assistance you can channel it through our bank account: –

Bank name: Kenya Commercial Bank
Acc name: Love of Christ Foundation CBO
Account no. 1274909678
Branch: University way 


Through the Banks Paybill number: 522522
Account no. 1274909678

Your support will go a long way in transforming the lives of the children/ families living in the street, most of whom have lost hope, all this for the advancement of the kingdom of God. “And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me”’ (Matthew 25:40).

We are very grateful for your continued prayers and support. We pray that the Lord will richly bless you as you store up your treasures in heaven, where there are no thieves, moth nor rust, for the glory of His name.


FB page: Love of Christ Foundation CBO
