Genesis 24:40
But he said to me, ‘The Lord, before whom I walk, will send His angel with you and prosper your way; and you shall take a wife for my son from my family and from my father’s house.
-Way in Hebrew is written as orach & it means course, track, route, path & direction.
– Abraham was getting old & wanted his son Isaac to get a good wife from his fathers house. He sent his oldest servant instead of sending Isaac to find a wife of his own choice. Of great importance was that the wife must have been from his fathers house, those who feared God. Before that; we see Abraham giving caution to his servant saying “Beware that you do not take my son back there” (Gen 24:6). This was basically because God had instructed Abraham to move from Haran & had already blessed him with great possessions & inheritance in the land of Canaan. Thus Isaac going back there would be catastrophic in-case of danger, a sign of disobedience to God & probably lose of inheritance in-case he would not return. It was of great importance that Abraham left his inheritance to Isaac; that he went to a great extent of sending off all his other children sired from his concubines, away towards the east (Genesis 25:5-6). Abraham a man of great faith therefore sent his servant with Gods’ blessings on this important mission hoping that God would answer his prayer. Many young men & ladies who are currently waiting upon the Lord for spouses & others are seeking clarity on whether he/she is the right one, are getting anxious. Abraham the father of faith sent his servant with confidence knowing that God would accomplish their mission with success. We are therefore reminded to have firm faith in God, pursue godly spouses, seek direction from God & continue ask Him to prosper our way before & after marriage. We also see that marrying a believing wife or husband yields godly off-spring & many blessings from the Lord.
Lord our Father; full of awesome wonders, we exult You & praise You for the gift of life & Your mercies upon us. Cleanse us from all unrighteousness & renew our minds to seek first Your face. Prosper the way of all ladies & gentlemen who are unmarried that they may find godly spouses & to make the right decisions as they prepare to build their families. Bless all those who are married to live in peace & love so that instances of divorce may not arise. Bless those who are divorced or separated that they may settle again according to Your merciful kindness. Visit all the widows & orphans in their time of need & answer all their prayers. Bless us all Oh Lord so that we may inherit all good things according to Your promise. May Your goodness & mercy follow us; all the days of our lives. Amen
Exodus 13:21-22
And the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead the way, and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so as to go by day and night. He did not take away the pillar of cloud by day or the pillar of fire by night from before the people.
-The Israelites were on the run, fleeing from the Egyptians & finally free from bondage. God was faithfully present with them both during the day in a pillar of cloud & at night in a pillar of fire to give them direction through the wilderness. When they got to the Red Sea, God created a pathway through the sea for them to cross & destroyed the wheels of the Egyptian chariots slowing them down & making their pursuit impossible since the Israelites were on foot. In reference to this incident; Isaiah notes that God makes a way in the sea & a path through the mighty waters (Isa 43:16), meaning that there is nothing difficult or impossible with God. We may be facing challenges or having petitions that we have been praying about for a long time. God reminds us today that nothing is difficult or impossible for Him & that He is always with us despite our shortcomings.
You are worthy Oh Lord to receive all glory, honor & power for You created all things & by Your will they exist & were created. You have promised us that You will never leave us nor forsake us & that You are always present with us everlasting Father, we thank You. Release us Lord from any form of anxiety & fear in our hearts, we humbly beseech You. We present our personal petitions, those of our families, friends, leaders & nation to You Jesus; in perfect knowledge that nothing is impossible for You, please answer us Father. We thank You & praise You Lord believing that You have already done it. In Jesus mighty name we pray. Amen
Psalm 25:12-15
Who is the man that fears the Lord? Him shall He teach in the way He chooses. He himself shall dwell in prosperity, And his descendants shall inherit the earth. The secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him, And He will show them His covenant. My eyes are ever toward the Lord, For He shall pluck my feet out of the net.
-A question is posed in search for those who fear the Lord in humility, that they may be instructed by Him. Instructions that shine a bright light of prosperity for his/ her lineage. Instructions on humility & inheriting the earth. Instructions leading to the fear of the Lord & the beginning of wisdom. Instructions that reveal Gods’ secrets & comprehension of His covenants. Instructions on how to live in His statutes yielding grace. And finally, instructions that enable us to completely submit to God that He may deliver us from calamity.
We thank You Father, for Your everlasting love & mercy upon us. Fill us with Your wisdom Holy Spirit that we may have the fear of God. You have reminded us that those who fear You & humble themselves before You will dwell in peace & inherit the earth, bless us Lord & keep us. Make Your face shine upon us & be gracious to us. Lift up Your countenance upon us Lord & give us peace. Deliver us from every snare Jesus & cover us with Your precious blood. May Your covenants of peace, obedience, praise, mercy, love & grace abide in us & our descendants according to Your loving kindness. Amen
James 5:19-20
Brethren, if anyone among you wanders from the truth, and someone turns him back, let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save a soul from death and cover a multitude of sins.
-As we go on with our normal lives & grow in Christianity, we are reminded that it is our duty to correct those who go astray. In our Christ-like nature we ought to follow the way that Christ shows us & walk just as He walked (1 Jn 2:6). By our actions, words, writings, influence, sayings & songs, we serve as examples to those who watch & listen to us that they may be converted &/or re-established by Christ. In Dan 12:3, we see that those who are wise will shine Like the brightness of the firmament & those who turn many to righteousness Like the stars forever & ever. Many sheep are lost & need to be taught & directed to our great Shepherd; Christ who cleanses us from sin & saves us from eternal condemnation. He who does this has a great reward & will shine Like stars forever, & He who keeps Gods’ word Like the brightness of the firmament.
Fill us Holy Spirit with Your wisdom that we may comprehend Your Word & always live by it. Have Your way in us & lead us in the path of Christ that through our words & deeds; many may be converted. Have mercy on us Lord & those who do not know You that we may find righteousness & the joy of Your salvation. All glory, power, wisdom, riches, honor & strength belong to You Father forever & ever. Amen
John 14:6
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
-As much as Jesus directs us in His ways here on earth, He is the way to the Father. By believing in Him & through the remission of our sins by His blood, we are cleansed & made righteous, that we may have eternal life.
-Way in Hebrew is written as orach & it means course, track, route, path & direction.
– Abraham was getting old & wanted his son Isaac to get a good wife from his lineage. He had great faith & therefore sent his servant with Gods’ blessings on this important mission; hoping that God would send an angel before him & prosper his way (Gen 24:40). Many young ladies & gentlemen who are currently waiting upon the Lord for spouses & others are seeking clarity on whether he/she is the right one, are getting anxious. Just as God prospered the way for Abraham’s servant, He will prosper our way to give us godly spouses if we have firm faith in Him & hold fast to His word. God was also faithful to the Israelites when He kept His promise of delivering them from oppression in Egypt & Personally leading them in a pillar of cloud during the day & a pillar of fire during the night in the wilderness (Exo 13:21-22). He stuck by them even when they got to the Red Sea & created a pathway through which they crossed over with ease, destroying the wheels of the Egyptian chariots & making their pursuit impossible. We may be faced by many challenges or have been praying for a certain matter for sometime now. God reminds us that nothing is difficult or impossible for Him & that He is always with us despite our shortcomings. He requires that we fear Him in humility; so that we may receive His instructions, covenants & train us as He chooses. He promises us that we will always dwell in prosperity, inherit the earth with our descendants & have protection from calamity (Psa 25:12-5). In our Christ-like nature we are also reminded to follow the way by which Christ leads us, walk just as He walked & correct those who go astray. By our words, deeds, writings, songs & influences, we serve as examples to those who watch & listen to us that they may be converted & re-established in Christ. By turning many to righteousness we have been promised eternity for we will shine Like the stars forever & Like the brightness of the firmament; for the wisdom fulfilled in us by the Holy Spirit.
You are the way, the truth & the life Jesus, guide us, our families, leaders & nation as You please. We humbly implore You to accomplish that which You have promised us everlasting Father & answer our prayers. Make a way for us; where there seems to be no way. In all things we thank You & praise You Lord, for You love us & know us by name. Your way is perfect & Your word is proven, we incline our ears to Your wisdom & gaze at Your testimonies that our faith may be established. There is no other like You Jesus, we love You & praise You now & forever. Amen