Genesis 41:46
“Joseph was thirty years old when he entered the service of Pharaoh king of Egypt. And Joseph went out from Pharaoh’s presence and traveled throughout Egypt.”
-Thirty in Hebrew is written as sheloshim & every time it has been mentioned in the Bible it has some great importance in reference to some significant event or responsibility. The number 30 is used as a sign of physical & mental maturity. It is an age when one is ripe for leadership & ready for responsibility. At age 30; Joseph became the governor in Egypt (Gen 41:46), priests were allowed to offer service in the tent of meeting (Num 4:3), David became the king of Israel (2 Sam 5:4), Jesus began His ministry (Lk 3:23) etc.
-Joseph at the age of thirty years became second in command to Pharaoh, after being in prison as a slave in Egypt. He underwent great affliction & discouragement through out his life having been thrown into a pit by his brothers, sold as a slave & imprisoned; but he persevered & remained faithful to God. When magicians & wise-men failed to interpret Pharaoh’s dream, Joseph was accurate in his interpretation through Gods’ help. Pharaoh then gave Joseph a linen robe, a gold chain around his neck & his own signet ring; elevating him to a governor where he was able to make decrees in his name. Pharaoh also changed Joseph’s identity by giving him a new name; Zaphnath-Paaneah & gave him a wife; Asenath the daughter of Poti-Pherah priest of On. God gave Joseph two sons & made him fruitful in the land opening them up to many opportunities of prosperity.
Lord, You have been our dwelling place from generation to generation, receive all the glory & praise. Before You created the earth You knew us; before we were formed in our mother’s wombs You ordained us. Teach us to number our days Lord, that we may gain heart’s full of wisdom. When Joseph was forgotten in the dungeon with all his hopes dead You provided a way for him, Lord have mercy on us. When Joseph was a slave You elevated him to a powerful leader in a foreign land through Your unfailing love, bless us Lord & increase our capacity. When Joseph was going through affliction You strengthened him & made him prosperous in the land, make us prosperous Father in all areas our lives. You are good Lord & Your mercy endures forever, fulfill our heart desires Jesus according to Your promises; according to Your everlasting love & mercy for us. Amen
Numbers 4:1-3
“Then the LORD spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying: “Take a census of the sons of Kohath from among the children of Levi, by their families, by their fathers’ house, from thirty years old and above, even to fifty years old, all who enter the service to do the work in the tabernacle of meeting.”
-The priests officially administered service at age thirty years & they were able to enter into the tabernacle of meeting up-to the age of 50 years. This was basically to perform all that pertained to the work in the tabernacle of the congregation. Similarly, at age thirty, John the Baptist having come from priestly descent where his mother Elizabeth was a descendant of the daughters of Aaron & his father was a priest. He was also born six months before Jesus; Who started His ministry at age 30. He came out from the wilderness to pave the way for the Messiah having authority bestowed upon him to conduct the rite of baptism, preaching on repentance & holiness; which we are all called to take heed.
We thank You Father for this far that You have brought us, we bless Your holy name. Have mercy on all the priests, preachers, teachers & those who minister to Your people, strengthened them in their various vocations & grant them wisdom to relay Your true word. Bless the church Lord that we may be united by Your love. Jesus You offered one sacrifice forever for our sins, forgive us all our sins; sins of our Youth; sins in our hearts & minds; sins we have done either knowingly & unknowingly; sins in our family lineages & societies; sins of our leaders & nation, & remember them no more. Sanctify us Lord by Your precious blood & strengthen us so that we may always do Your will. Lord we have many plans in our hearts but we humbly ask that Your purpose may always prevail in our lives. Amen
2 Samuel 5:4
“David was thirty years old when he became king, and he reigned forty years.”
-David became King when he was thirty years old. He had been anointed again previously as king by Samuel at a fairly young age & the Spirit of the Lord fell upon him (1 Sam 16:13). Before he became king; he won several battles including; killed a lion & bear with his bare hands; & killing Goliath with only a stone & sling. These are the experiences that made him stronger in God, waiting relentlessly on God with fear & steadfastness; & always consulted God. He was not disappointed & never waited in vain. These are the experiences that we go through in our lives. Facing various challenges & hardships, waiting on the promises of God, praying for specific matters for years; holding fast our faith in God. At Gods’ appointed time; David was elevated to become king; where he ruled for seven years in Judah & thirty three years in Israel. Like king David who neither despaired nor lost hope, we are called to pray without ceasing & persevere despite the challenges that we face; knowing that God is always faithful & at His own time He will elevate us to new levels of grace because we belong to Him. God has called us His children through the blood of Lamb, giving us shining crowns & bright stars that we may always find favor in Him.
Lord You are good & Your mercies endures forever. Thank You Holy Spirit for we have always experienced Your mercy & love even when we are at the verge of loosing hope; You have always encouraged us & given us hope for a better future. Father; You were faithful to David when He was a young boy even making him a king of Your holy nation at a young age. Remember us Lord during this time we call on You; prosper us in all things through Your merciful love, cover us always with Your precious blood, shine a bright light on our destinies & elevate us to new levels of grace; for Your love for us never fails. You are worthy Jesus to take the scroll & to open its seals for You were slain & have redeemed us to God by Your blood out of every tribe, tongue, people & nation, & have made us kings & priests through Your blood Jesus so that we may reign on the earth, receive our thanksgiving & praise. You are holy Lord beyond all human comprehension; guide us & direct us in all things according to Your divine will. Amen
Ezekiel 1:1
“Now it came to pass in the thirtieth year, in the fourth month, on the fifth day of the month, as I was among the captives by the River Chebar, that the heavens were opened and I saw visions of God.”
-On the thirtieth year, fourth month & fifth day of the month; Ezekiel was among the captives by the river Chebar, when the heavens were opened & he saw visions of God. He experienced the glory of the Lord; having visions of angels (cherubim) in their unique forms & functions. Similarly, after Jesus was baptized the heavens were opened & the Holy Spirt descended upon Him like a dove (Mat 3:16). Stephen was also filled with the Holy Spirit, the heavens were opened & he saw the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God (Acts 7:55-56). God communicates to us through dreams & visions which reveal His glory to us & He enables us to break out of various captive situations that we may experience His divine presence & grace by the help of the Holy Spirit working in us.
Father our hope is in You. We humbly ask You to renew our strength so that we may soar on wings like eagles, run & not grow weary, walk & not grow faint. Help us Holy Spirit to experience an open heaven in our personal lives, families, relationships, marriages, societies, work places, schools, churches, government & nation, so that Your love may always dwell within us. Our Father who at in heaven; hallowed be Your name; Your Kingdom come; Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread & forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptations but deliver us from evil; for thine is the Kingdom the power & the glory; forever & ever. Amen
Luke 3:23
“Now Jesus Himself began His ministry at about thirty years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, the son of Heli,”
-Jesus began His ministry at age thirty according to Gods’ plan & through His lineage we find that He is the promised Messiah for all people. Before this time, He worked as a carpenter, grew in stature, wisdom & found favor with God & man. Jesus’ ministry lasted three & a half years where some received Him well & others did not as it is today, though His word remains very effective in the whole world. Christs’ ancestry, forerunner, infancy, birthplace, character, career, preaching, miracles, reception, rejection, suffering, death, burial, resurrection & glory were pre-destined by God our Father. God provided salvation through Christ our Savior by His death on the cross & resurrection so that we may believe in Him & have eternal life.
The number thirty is used significantly as a measure of time, date, age, resources etc. This weeks study has focused specially on the number thirty as a function of age & its significance to different individuals. According to our study, we realize that at this age; one is considered ripe for leadership & ready to take responsibility. This is a season when Joseph was elevated to become the governor of Egypt (Gen 41:46). This was an age where priests were allowed to offer service in the tent of meeting (Num 4:3). It was also an age where David became the king of Israel (2 Sam 5:4) & John the Baptist prepared the way for the Messiah Who began His public ministry at this symbolic age (Lk 3:23). God also reminds us that He will always accomplish His purpose, His timing is not our timing & His ways are not our ways & finally our hope in Gods promises is for eternal grace through Jesus Christ.
Jesus we praise You & exult Your name on high. You created the heavens, the earth & all things in them in all Your magnificence & power, we exult Your name on high. In You God our Lord & King we put all our trust in You knowing that we will never be put to shame. Good & upright are You Lord; Instill in us Your fear Lord, instruct us in Your ways, forgive us all our trespasses, fulfill Your purpose in our lives & bring us to the light of Your grace. Through Your merciful love Father we will spend our days in Your prosperity & our descendants will be blessed according to Your word, according to Your loving kindness, as we wait to be reunited with You in eternity; forever. Amen