Matthew 28:6
“He is not here; for He is risen, as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.”
-Rise in Hebrew is written as qum means to stand, ascend or move from a lower to a higher position with the aim of achieving a certain objective.
-The death & resurrection of Christ is the most significant occurrence in Christianity. After Christs’ resurrection He baptized us by the Holy Spirit as promised & thus dwelt in us to help us in all things. Among Jesus’ first statements to the apostles after resurrection were; I leave You the Holy Spirit & peace be with You. He commissioned them to go preaching the gospel with instructions to forgive sins at will. We know that blessed are the peace makers for they shall be called sons of God (Mat 5:9). Through Christs’ death for our sins; we are called to remain dead to sin & alive with Him through His resurrection. He has qualified us as sons of God & is seated at the right hand of the Father interceding for us. Christ has made us joint heirs with Him so that we may do all things through Him Who strengths us (Phil 4:13). This has been made possible by His unconditional love, everlasting mercy & sufficient grace for us all; that we remain victorious in all things for the glory of His name.
We rejoice for You have risen Jesus & glory Your name Lamb of God who took away our sins, have mercy o us. We humbly implore You Jesus to rise today with our infirmities, sicknesses, challenges, shortcomings & those of our loved ones, families & friends; that we may become a new creation in You & remain victorious for the glory of Your name Almighty Father. We plead Your blood Jesus over our lives, families, societies, nation & the whole world that we may rest secure in Your peace, love & grace according to Your promise & believe that we are more than conquers & nothing can stop us. All victory, power, riches, honor, strength, wisdom & blessings belong to You Lord, forever & ever. Amen
Isaiah 54:17
“No weapon formed against you shall prosper, And every tongue which rises against you in judgment You shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, And their righteousness is from Me,” Says the LORD.”
-The everlasting covenant of peace that Jesus bestowed upon us by His death & resurrection gives us dominion over evil snares that are custom made for our destruction. The deceiver also brings false accusations through people or in the courts of heaven to block our prosperity according to our books of destiny. We realize that the tongue is a powerful weapon which can either bring destruction or success in our lives. By the power of the blood of Christ shed for our freedom in the everlasting covenant, we are able to defend ourselves as the Holy Spirit leads us & through the defence of His angels. God calls this the heritage of His servants by which we are called sons by His righteousness & assures us protection by His everlasting love.
Fill our hearts with Your love Holy Spirit as we start this new day & send Your holy angels before us to prosper us in all our ways. The Israelites sprinkled blood on their door post during Passover Lord; so that when the angel passes they would not be destroyed, we sprinkle Your blood Jesus on the door posts of our houses, businesses, projects, careers, vehicles, families, friendships, relationships, marriages, children, education, leaders, country & our future Jesus, that no weapon fashioned against us shall prosper & no tongue that rises itself to bring judgement upon us shall succeed in Your name Jesus. You have given us power to trample over snakes, scorpions & over the power of the enemy, we are more than conquers in You Father & nothing can indeed harm us. We are Your heritage Lord our righteous Judge; fill us with Your everlasting grace that we may live long lives of peace with our descendants & possess the land according to Your will. Amen
Proverbs 31:27-28
“She watches over the ways of her household, And does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children rise up and call her blessed; Her husband also, and he praises her:”
-A virtuous woman takes charge of her domestic affairs, manages her children with diligence & does good; not evil to her husband. She rises up early to provide bread for her family, servants & extends a hand of kindness to the needy. She does not eat bread of idleness that normally comes without labor but works hard to ensures there is sufficient bread in her household. She fears the Lord in her conduct & words, & is praised by her children, husband & society.
We thank Your Lord for this far that You have brought us, receive all the glory & praise for the blessings of rain & fertility of our land. Bless all our families Father that we may stay united in Your bonds of love. Have mercy on all the women Lord. Many are calling on You with different needs Father, needs of bearing children, barrenness, lack of spouses, provision, lack of family support, health complications & many other hearts desires, hear them Lord. Remember Lord that You strengthened Hagar when Ismail was almost dying of hunger, provide for our families & all the street children. Remember also that You raised Esther & she became a queen, raise all our women in Your wisdom Father; that they may excel in all they do. Our children are about to close school Lord, keep them under Your wings of mercy. Be with all the men Father & prosper them in all their needs according to Your purpose. Give them wisdom like that of king Solomon that they may always excel in all areas of their lives. Your thoughts are not our thoughts neither Your ways our ways Lord; we seek Your guidance in all matters. Amen
1 Thessalonians 4:16-17
“For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.”
-Words of comfort have been given to us in matters pertaining life & death, that our labor in Christ is not in vain. Jesus tells us in John 11:25-26, that He is the resurrection & the life; he who believes in Him, though he may die, he shall live & whoever lives & believes in His shall never die. Therefore, when one believe in Christ Who is the resurrection & the life; & dwells in our hearts, has eternal life; whether he dies or is found alive when Christ comes back in glory. Since Christ is immortal, then morality shall be replaced with immortality & the corruptible converted to incorruptible for we shall be changed. By His death & resurrection, Christ has given us victory over death & hades that we remain stable in good works of love with the assurance of eternal life (1 Cor 15:50-58).
We thank You Jesus our Saviour for assuring us that You will always be with us & for giving us hope of resurrection when You come again, we rest secure in You. Lord strengthen us when we are weak in faith that we may always place our trust in You Jesus. We cast all our trials, tribulations, health issues, work & financial problems, relational challenges, family issues, loss of loved ones & other forms of burden, that You resolve them & give us total peace. We seek Your protection Lord from all deadly snares of the evil one through Your precious blood; for You have told us that some will never face death, have mercy on us Father. Through Your resurrection You defeated sin & death that we may inherit everlasting life by Your eternal covenant with us at Calvary, may Your grace always be upon us Jesus. All glory, honour & power belong to You Lord. Amen
John 5:7-9
“The sick man answered Him, “Sir, I have no man to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up; but while I am coming, another steps down before me.” Jesus said to him, “Rise, take up your bed and walk.” And immediately the man was made well, took up his bed, and walked. And that day was the Sabbath.”
-Jesus healed a man at the pool of Bethesda who had suffered for at least 38 years as he waited for the angel to come & stir up the water; so that he could step in & receive healing. Jesus had compassion on him & raised him from his troubles. This was on a Sabbath where Jews rest from any forms of labor. They found fault in Jesus instead of celebrating the victory of healing. Christ resurrected right after a Sabbath with all our burdens that we may find rest in Him.
-Rise in Hebrew is written as qum & means to stand, ascend, resurrect or move from a lower to a higher position with the aim of achieving a certain objective.
-Every Easter Christians celebrate the victory that Christ gained through death & resurrection for the redemption of the whole world. Through Christs’ death for our sins; we are called to remain dead to sin & alive with Him by His resurrection as we share His love with others. He qualified us; sons of God by making us joint heirs with Him & is seated at the right hand of the Father interceding for us (Rom 8:34). After His resurrection, Christ gave us the Holy Spirit to also intercede for us when we don’t know how to pray with groaning that cannot be uttered; & strengthens us through His fruit & gifts & revelation of the Word. Through Gods’ power we have dominion over evil snare that is fashioned for our destruction. By the power of the blood of Christ shed for our freedom in the everlasting covenant, we are able to defend ourselves as the Holy Spirit leads us & through the protection of His angels. When the deceiver also brings false accusations in the courts of heaven to block our prosperity according to what is written in our books of destiny, we are able to speak against the evil one through the blood of Jesus. Christ also intercedes for us, His heritage through sonship by His righteousness & assures us protection by His everlasting love (Isa 54:17). We known that nothing can separate us from His love; neither persecution, tribulations, principalities, powers, angels, death, life, things in the present or things to come (Rom 8:35-39). He gives us more comfort in John 11:25-26, for He is the resurrection & the life; he who believes in Him, though he may die, he shall live & whoever lives & believes in Him will never die. As we continue to believe in Christ Who is the resurrection & the life; & dwells in our hearts, we have eternal life; whether we dies or are found alive when He comes back in glory. Through His immortal nature He will replace our morality with immortality & corruption to incorruptible form for we shall be changed. Christ has given us victory over death & hades that we remain stable in good works of love with the assurance of eternal life (1 Cor 15:50-58). His grace is sufficient for us all & helps us to remain obedient to His Word so that we may remain victorious in all things for the glory of His name.
We humbly implore You Holy Spirit to have Your way in us & let Your will be done in our lives. Guide us in our thoughts, words, actions, decisions, work, school, marriages, families & nation, for we are cannot make it without You. Thank You for dying on the cross for us Jesus. Through Your resurrection You have made us victorious over sicknesses, tribulations, burdens & every evil snare of the enemy by Your precious blood that nothing can harm or stop us from achieving that which You have destined for us. Almighty Father You are full of love & mercy, we continue seeking Your grace in all things. Amen