Revelation of the Word:
Revelation of the Word 25/02/2022 Admin
Ecclesiastes 3:11
“He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end.”
-God has a beautiful time for every purpose under heaven. He is our eternal God and nothing catches Him by surprise. He has set eternity in our hearts that we may achieve everything that He has commanded us at this beautiful time. It is important to understand His purpose for our lives, family and nation even though we may not fully comprehend it. We are hopeful that everything that happens, occurs just when it should happen according to God’s plan. This doesn’t necessarily help to understand why, but it does allow us to trust him and find our ultimate purpose in that. John 1:3 reminds us that, “Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.” Also that, God has created all and is in all (Col 3:11). He is behind the way things are and the way they are going to turn out.
Scripture reveals instances that delay occurred, which of-course has a purpose. Delay in purpose can be occasioned by the dark forces of the enemy whose work is to kill, steal and destroy. We know that our struggles are not against flesh and blood but against principalities, powers and rulers of this world of darkness. The Israelites had gone through another form of captivity in Egypt under the leadership of Pharaoh. When Moses went to intercede for them that they may go to worship God, Pharaoh exerted more pressure on them to deliver the same number of bricks with no provision of straw (Exodus 5:7-9). Later during the invasion by king Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, Daniel realized their the divine revelations by Jeremiah that the captivity of Israelites would last seventy years (Daniel 9:2). It was after this time had elapsed and he called on God for deliverance of the people. We are reminded to call on the Lord always even during time when we sense delay for the prayers of a righteous man avails much (James 5:16). Apostle Paul called on the Lord for deliverance from a tribulation that he experienced. A thorn in the flesh occasioned by a messenger of Satan, and he prayed three times, and the Lord abound His divine grace upon him causing freedom. It is through God’s grace that we have been saved not by our works, and we have no room to boast. We are called to submit to Jesus all our cares and burdens and He will deliver us by His sufficient grace. Presented before court, Paul also made an appeal before Festus the Roman procurator who had doctrinal limitations and did not understand his arguments emanating from his Christian faith. He struggled with the truth about salvation, the gospel of Jesus Christ and resurrection of the dead. It was king Agrippa who absolved Paul from his accusation as he appreciated the message of Jesus Christ. Even though delay in purpose occurs, we should appreciate the fact that God makes everything beautiful at His time. Even though we cannot fully comprehend the purpose of God, He reveals to us some truths through dreams, visions, prophecy, and His word. God is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness, but He is patient with us, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. God desires that we succeed and that His purpose may be fulfilled in our lives. He gives us hope of restoration like He did with the Israelites at the promise of repaying us for the years the locusts have eaten both great and young. He promises provision of plenty to eat until we are full, and deliverance from shame that we may forever praise His name (Joel 2:25-26).
Abba Father You are faithful even when we become faithless, you remain faithful. You are exulted on high dear Jesus. You are the great I Am, the great High Priest and our sure Foundation. You are our Almighty God. All Strength and Might belongs to You Lord our God. May Your sufficient grace abound in our hearts and minds in You Christ Jesus. May You strengthen us when we are weak. May Your purposes in our lives, families and nation come to pass at Your appointed time Holy Spirit. May Your acceleration occur in every delayed purpose for her glory and honor of Your name. We love You Lord and praise Your holy name. May You restore what has been eaten by the locusts. The great and the young locust. May we get back track with our divine purposes, our lost finances, delayed marriages, and lost time. May You refresh us with Your goodness, love, favor and grace dear Jesus. May You bless us Lord and keep us. May You make Your face to shine upon us and be gracious unto us. May You turn Your countenance upon us and grant us peace. Amen
Blessed Weekend
Further reading: Isaiah 60:22, 2 Peter 3:8-9
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