Revelation of the Word Revelation of the Word
THEME: GENTLENESS  Matthew 11:29-30  Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will... Revelation of the Word

Matthew 11:29-30 

Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”


-Jesus reveals to us that He is gentle & lowly at heart. This gives us the courage to seek Him at any time & in any situation. It is also a call to believe in Him & learn from Him in obedience; our Teacher & Saviour. In Him we find peace & tranquillity for our souls when we are weary; as we cast all our cares unto Him & find rest.


-Gentleness in Hebrew is written as anvah & it means meekness, tenderness, timidity & humility. Gentleness is a fruit of the Holy Spirit which changes the character of men to gentlemen & women to virtuous women.

-Gentleness changes our nature & makes us humble & tender. Jesus said; blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth (Mat 5:5). In humility, He enlarges our paths as we dwell in His favour, grace & rest. He also protects us with His shield of salvation & His right hand holds us steadfast & keeps us from falling into snares of the evil one. In light with the script on the virtuous woman; Apostle Peter, enlightens ladies to focus more on the love of God which imparts in them a gentle & quiet spirit & not outward adornment. The fear of the Lord makes them strong, honourable, virtuous, gentle & wise in word & deed. Gentlemen alike are established in wisdom revealed in words & character. Paul also states that, long forbearance helps us bear & share one another’s burdens in consolation & comforting each other when in distress & correcting each others with gentleness lest we are tempted as well. Long forbearance is an act of gentleness which erupts when one forgives easily & expresses humility in all things. By bearing others burden we exhibit love for neighbour thus fulfilling the law (Gal 6:1-2). God requires us to be humble at heart, in word & deed that we may be instruments of His peace. Just like the tribe of Ephraim which did not fathom that God was with them, sometimes we are also submerged into our own personal assertions & self proclamation that we forget the gentle care that God has bestowed unto us. This happens mostly when life is running smoothly & pride slows infiltrates our hearts. God strengthens our feet to walk steadily & leads us in all we do. In humility, we should also remember to cast all our burdens unto Jesus for He cares for us & only in Him there is victory.


Holy Spirit our Lord, we humbly beseech You. Instil in our hearts the fruit of gentleness. Relieve us from the yokes we carry in form of bondages, afflictions, guilt of sin & others challenges we face so that our lives may be fulfilled. Remove any form of self proclamation which causes pride in our lives that Your tenderness may abide within us. You are gentle & lowly heart; hold us close to Your heart & lead is in all things. Amen

Blessed Weekend.

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Revelation Of The Word
