Revelation of the Word
Revelation of the Word 16/08/2017 Admin
Exodus 3:2
And the Angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire from the midst of a bush. So he looked, and behold, the bush was burning with fire, but the bush was not consumed.
-The Angel of the Lord appear to Moses at Mount Horeb, the mountain of God & he witnessed a burning bush which was not consumed. The Angel of the Lord identified Himself as God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob, & Moses was instructed to take off his sandals for that place was holy. The same instructions were given to Joshua when he went to battle against Jericho. Joshua worshiped the Angel of Lord, Who did not stop him like we see in other scriptures for it is an abomination to worship angels as they are Gods servants. God tells the Israelites in Exo 23:20-22, that He has send His angel before them, Whos’ name is in Him, has power to pardon transgressions & will bring them to the promised land. Further, in Isaiah 63:9, the Angel of the Lord in His love & pity redeemed us from our affliction, to all the days of old (eternity). Therefore, Christ is referred to as the Angel of the Lord, Who is the beginning & the end, & the Word is all about Him. He revealed Himself as an Angel in the Old Testament until John the Baptist came to prepare the way for Him so that He could dwell among us.
Fill our hearts with Your love Father, that we may always experience You in our lives. Renew our minds that we may be directed in Your manifest wisdom to help us in our direction of purpose. Let our hearts settle in the knowledge that You existed & knew us long before we were born. We put all our trust in You Father, be with us. Amen
Blessed Wednesday.
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