Revelation of the Word:
Revelation of the Word 17/12/2021 Admin
John 2:19-21
“Jesus answered and said to them, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” Then the Jews said, “It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and will You raise it up in three days?” But He was speaking of the temple of His body.
-Jesus sparked a heated debate with the Jews on a matter that touched on their Judaistic religion and way of life . The Jerusalem temple having been constructed in fourty six years, and Jesus indicated that if destroyed, He would rebuild it in three days. Jesus spoke about His death and resurrection, by which He incorporated us into His own body, and build us within Himself; individually (1 Corinthians 12:27). As we await to celebrate Christmas, we are called to invite Jesus into our hearts, that He may build us within Himself through His gift of salvation.
The Jerusalem temple joined Israel’s major religious object with the monarchy and the city itself into a central symbol of union of the Israelite tribes. As the site for a future temple, David chose Mount Moriah, or the Temple Mount, where it was believed Abraham had built the altar on which to sacrifice his son Isaac. The First Temple was constructed during the reign of David’s son, Solomon, and completed in 957 BCE. Other sanctuaries retained their religious functions, however, until Josiah (reigned c. 640–609 BCE) abolished them and established the Temple of Jerusalem as the only place of sacrifice in the Kingdom of Judah. The First Temple was built as an abode for the Ark and as a place of assembly for the entire people. The building itself, therefore, was not large, but the courtyard was extensive. The Temple building faced eastward and the Lord gave specific instructions of how it would be constructed. Those who worshipped there experienced the presence of God, symbolized by the cherubim that were constructed at the entrance of the sanctuary. God sent king Hiram to supply timber for the construction works and talented individuals including Bezallel. Even though the temple was destroyed by king Nebuchadnezzar, God desires that it would be reconstructed and instructed Nehemiah and Ezra to reconstruct it. It was destroyed once mor, and the Orthodox Judaism’s believe in the rebuilding of a Third Temple and the resumption of korban (sacrifices), although there is disagreement about how rebuilding should take place. Jesus was saddened by Jerusalem for they did not believe in Him but put first religiosity. Jesus rebuild the temple of His body in three days and purchased us at a price. Our bodies are thus His temples and He calls us to honor Him with our bodies, and avoid sexual immorality. God does not live in temples made by human hands (Acts 7:48), and calls us to seek Him always and we will find Him, as the Holy Spirit lives in us.
Abba Father we thank You and worship You. We give You thanks for You have always been with us even when we are disillusioned. You have never left us, and You will never leave us orphaned. We believe in You. You are our King of glory, we adore You and praise You. Only You are worthy, only You are able. Nothing is impossible with You. May You open every door that is shut in our lives and bless us. May You remember all those who do not acknowledge You as Lord and Savior with their hearts, that You may grant them the gift of salvation. We praise You, for You raised the temple of Your body in three days and You live in our hearts. We thank for giving us the hope of glory and the gift of eternal life. We bless Your holy name for loving us and living with us and in us. There is no one like You dear Jesus. May You bless us Lord and keep us. May You make Your face to shine upon us and be gracious unto us. May You turn Your countenance upon us and grant us peace. Amen
Blessed Weekend
Further reading: 2 Corinthians 6:16
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