Revelation of the Word:
Revelation of the Word 15/07/2021 Admin
2 Corinthians 9:14-15
“And in their prayers for you their hearts will go out to you, because of the surpassing grace God has given you. Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!”
-The church of Corinth was a very generous church as Apostle Paul indicates. They provided for all his needs and gave alms generously. Such unselfish love, he compares to the gift of salvation that came to us through Jesus Christ, by His death and resurrection. In verse 12, Paul prays for God’s supply into all their needs according to the riches of His glory for their generosity that extended beyond Jerusalem. Cornelius in Acts chapter 10 has also been sighted giving alms generously to the needy and praying relentlessly. As he prayed at three in the afternoon which was a Jewish time of prayer; called the hour of the evening incense, he saw a vision and the angel disclosed that his prayers and alms have come as a memorial to God. He was then sent to Peter who came and prayed with them, and the Lord saved Cornelius and his entire household. Similarly, when Zacchaeus repented and offered to give half of his possession to the poor and restore four times the amount he had stolen, salvation was given to him and his household (Acts 19:1-9). On the other hand, in the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, the rich man failed to provide for Lazarus’ needs and when they all died, he went to hell as Lazarus went to heaven. We are called to freely scatter our gifts to the poor for our righteousness endures forever (2 Corinthians 9:9).
Father You are good and Your goodness endures to all generations. Jesus You are righteous and Your righteousness endures forever. Holy Spirit You are loving and Your love is everlasting. Lord You are faithful and faithfulness is unending. You have been faithful to us Lord even when we have become faithless, we thank You and glorify Your holy name. You have also supplies unto all our needs according to the riches of Your glory, we thank You and exult Your holy name. May our prayers and alms always come to You as a memorial pleasing to You Jehovah. Be with all those who are sick and suffering, and heal them, for by Your stripes we are healed. Be with all those who are bereaved that Your grace and peace may be their portion. Restore all those who are in prison by Your saving arm dear Jesus, we humbly beseech You. Grant rest to all the street families, that Your hand of grace may lead them into their destinies. Guide us always Holy Spirit as give to the poor in our society for our righteousness endures forever. Guide us Holy Spirit when we pray and intercede for us when we know not how to pray. Light Your fire of prayer and thanksgiving in our hearts that we may always give thanks to You. Only You Lord deserves our worship and praise. Victory belongs to You Lord. Thank You God for Your merciful love upon our lives and to all our generations. May You always supply all our needs according to the riches of Your glory. All glory, honor, power and salvation belongs to You Lord, now and forever. Amen
Blessed Thursday
Further reading: Psalms 112:9, Luke 16:19-31, Matthew 25:31-46
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