Revelation of the Word:
Revelation of the Word 27/05/2021 Admin
Luke 10:1
“After these things the Lord appointed seventy-two others also, and sent them two by two before His face into every city and place where He Himself was about to go.”
-The Lord has often deployed two by two ministers for the benefit of His Kingdom, beginning as early as the Old Testament times. Moses and Aaron ministered together in their mission to deliver the Israelites from the Egyptian captivity. Barak and Deborah the judge; ministered in unison and delivered the Israelites from Jabin’s cruelty (Judges 4:1-10). Elijah and Elisha prophesied together, including many others. In the New Testament, Jesus chose twelve apostles among a multitude of disciples (Luke 6:13). He gave them power and authority to drive out all demons, to cure diseases, proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal the sick (Luke 9:1-2). During the great commission, Jesus mandated the disciples to go and preach the gospel to the whole world in pairs, having the same power and authority. By this Jesus ensured that the gospel reached both the Jews and Gentile nations, as it is today. We see two among them walking to Emmaus when Jesus revealed to them the mysteries of the gospel and broke bread (Luke 24:13-35). The power of two therefore manifests in ministry and through the mouth of two or three witnesses, a matter is established (Matthew 18:16). Each one of us has been called to preach the gospel of truth to the whole world; in our various capacities, for the harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few (Matthew 9:37). When we minister in unity with each other, Christ comes as the third witness and we accomplish His will and overcome every obstacle, for the glory of His name.
God You are faithful and Your faithfulness endures forever. You have been faithful unto us even when we have become faithless. You have been a true Father and Friend to us, we appreciate You Jesus. May You remember all the ministries and churches all over the world, that Your true word may be preached. Bless them all and establish them upon You our Rock of salvation, and the gates of hades and hell shall not prevail against them. Feed all Your people who hunger for Your word for You are our Bread of life Jesus. Let all people and nations know You and acknowledge You as our Lord and Savior. Grant each one of us, our family members and all people the gift of salvation merciful Savior. Remember all the persecuted Christians all over the world and deliver them by Your righteous right hand. May You Almighty Father guide us all in our callings and gifting. Grant us knowledge, wisdom, understanding, perseverance, hope, love and increase our faith in You dear Jesus. You have commanded to go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teach them to obey everything that You have commanded us. Grant us the grace and strength to preach Your gospel of truth freely. Deliver us from every opposition that comes against us when we are doing Your work of truth for the glory of Your name. The gates of hades and hell shall not prevail against us we declare Jesus. May many know You and come to You Jesus; for the glory and honor of Your name. Thank You for You are always with us, and You will never leave us nor forsake us. Thank You for loving us Jesus, lead in every way. All glory, honor, power, praise and blessings belong to You Jesus, now and forever. Amen
Blessed Thursday
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Further reading: Matthew 28:16-20, Judges 4:1-10, Matthew 16:18, Luke 24:13-35