Revelation of the Word:
Revelation of the Word 02/02/2021 Admin
Jeremiah 29:13
“And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.”
-Sometimes life can get busy and overwhelming. One may follow a routine set up that somehow dictates their way of life. Waking up early and rushing to work through the busy streets, probably taking the kids to school, preparing presentations and getting into meetings, planning ahead and a lot more stuff to do. Life can somehow be overwhelming. Jesus told a parable of the great banquet in Luke 14:15-24. A certain man prepared a great banquet and invited many guests. Those who were invited were too busy to attend. One said that he had just bought land and had to see it. Another said that he had bought five oxen and had to test them. The other said that he had just gotten married and could not come. The master was angry and ordered his servant to go into the streets and invite the poor, maimed, lame and blind who willingly attended. The master then told his servants that, “not one of those who were invited will get a taste of my banquet”. According to the parable, sometimes we can be too busy for God. Life is about balance, let us not forget God by putting Him on the shelf and only seek Him when we are in trouble. Proverbs 8:17 says that, “I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently will find me.” Let us always remember to pray and praise, read and study the word, attend spiritual meetings even if they are online, listen to and read various books and teachings for spiritual nourishment and get closer to God everyday. We are called to seek God and we will find Him, by searching Him with all our hearts. Let us not toil to feel or be seen busy but let us work to be fruitful. The objective of work is fruitfulness. We then realize that we cannot be fruitful without God. Jesus is the Vine and we are the branches, let us abide in Him and we will bear much fruit.
Our Father and our God, we thank You for we have seen this new day in perfect peace. We acknowledge that there is no other God but You. All other gods are idols but only You are Lord deserve all glory and praise. Only You are able, only You are Mighty. We praise You are exult Your holy name. We come to You Jesus humbly asking You to protect us from us evil and cover us with Your precious blood. Preserve us Jesus and cover us with Your hedge of fire together with our families and all that we have. We know that You have great plans for us, plans to prosper us and not to harm us, plans to give us hope and future. Thank You Jesus for loving us, we love You. Remember all those who are sick and suffering that You may heal them and restore them. Be with all those who are bereaved and are mourning the loss of their loved ones. Remembers all the street families that You may be their ever present help in times of need. Protect all our children as they go to school. Bless us all Lord and renew our strength. Renew our strength to pray and to worship You. Renew our strength to seek You with all our hearts. Teach us to remain in You Jesus, as You are in us. Teach us to abide in You as You abide in us. All glory, honor, authority, riches, wisdom, wealth and blessings belong to You Jesus, now and forever. Amen
Blessed Tuesday
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