Revelation of the Word:
Revelation of the Word 11/12/2020 Admin
Acts 2:1-4
“When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.”
-At the day of Pentecost the disciples received the Holy Spirit and manifested different gifts. Jesus before Jesus ascended to heaven as evidenced in Acts chapter 1, He cautioned the disciples from leaving Jerusalem until they receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. He also taught that once they receive the Holy Spirit, they will obtain power and will become His witnesses in Jerusalem, Samaria and the ends of world. This is the power that we have received in us through the gift of the Holy Spirit. To perform many signs and wonders, witness Christ in all the world and have eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Let us also draw power from Christ like the woman who had an issue of blood, that dried up immediately.
The pillar of fire appeared in the Biblical times as it is evident today in our lives. The pillar that led the Israelites through the desert and offered them direction, comfort, provision, safety and security. The pillar of fire that Elijah called forth from heaven under the instructions of the angel of the Lord that destroyed the two army commanders and their fifty troops each. The pillar of fire that disciples intended to call forth upon the nation of Samaria when they did not welcome Jesus before His crucifixion (Luke 9:51-56). The pillar of fire that destroys every demonic altar, principality and power, and sets every captive free. The pillar of fire that offered Moses direction of purpose through his experiential encounter of the burning bush. The pillar of fire on the angel’s feet as will be exposed when the sixth trumpet will sound. This is a display of God’s eternal mercy, grace and holiness through His Son Jesus Christ. God is Holy and His presence is holy as we learn from the burning bush experience. Let us then be holy and remain righteous for this is His will. God has poured His Spirit upon us His children, that we may dream dreams and see visions, as these are the last days. The pillar of fire in us is God the Holy Spirit. Let us not loose hope in our faith in God for the one who raised Jesus from the dead lives in us and we shall live forever with Him. Let us hold fast our confidence in Him who gives us power to demonstrate many signs and wonders, proclaim His gospel, live in victory over diseases, premature death, principalities, powers and rulers that come to distrust our purposes in Christ and enjoy abundant life with Him now and forever. Amen
Thank You Jesus for You did not leave us orphaned but gave us Your Holy Spirit. Thank You precious Holy Spirit for dwelling in us and with us. Thank You for providing for us and sustaining us. Thank You for guiding and directing us. Thank You for revealing Your word unto us and counselling us. Thank You for comforting us and healing our wounds. Heal all our physical, emotional, psychological, financial and economic wounds we humbly implore You. We surrender our lives, families and nation unto You Holy Spirit, take over. Take over and make every crooked path straight. Break all the bars of iron and level the mountains for us. No weapon fashioned against us shall prosper and no tongue that is raised against us in judgment shall prevail. Lord You are Spirit, and where Your Spirit is, there is freedom. Deliver us Holy Spirit from all the wicked plans of the evil one. Deliver us from all forms of corruption, witchcraft, idolatry and evil schemes from our lives, families, nation and the whole world. Set us free merciful Father. Set free all those who do not believe in You and grant them the gift of salvation. Thank You for Your gift of salvation to us and to all our descendants. Thank You for Your mercy, love, grace, gifts, fruit and good plans upon our lives. Grant us the grace to walk in power and to fulfil Your purposes here on earth. Thank You for Your divine presence upon our lives. Thank You for Your divine power upon our lives. Thank You for Your divine blessings upon our lives, families and nation. Thank You for loving us Jesus. All our hope and trust is in You. Amen
Blessed Weekend
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