Revelation of the Word:
Revelation of the Word 06/04/2020 Admin
John 10:27-28
“My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand.”
-God speaks to us through His word. His word is living and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart (Hebrews 4:12). Through God’s word we are able to understand His will and walk according to His purposes. God calls us to pay attention to Him despite the challenges that we are going through with the COVID 19 pandemic and rely on His word. When king Jehoshaphat was confronted by the people of Ammon, Moab and Mount Seir, he was in fear but went into prayer. Then the Lord spoke through Jahaziel saying, “Do not be afraid nor dismayed because of this great multitude for the battle is not yours, but God’s” (2 Chronicles 20:15). During this time that we are faced by this pandemic, let us not be dismayed but rely on God’s word that the battle is not ours but the Lord’s. We should always put our trust in God for He is always with us and He knows us. He has given us eternal life and no one can snatch us from His hand. Despite the worry and fear that might have cropped into our hearts, let us remain confident in Christ for He is our Rock and Sure Foundation and only in Him do we find favor. God calls us to listen to His voice and follow His will always, for He is our good Shepherd and Shield.
Praise You Oh Lord our God for Your mercies endures forever. Preserve us O God, for in You we put all our trust. You are our Lord and our goodness is nothing apart from You. Our hearts rejoice in You LORD. This battle of COVID 19 is not ours but it belongs to You Lord. You are our Strength and Shield, our Stronghold in Whom we put all our trust, deliver us Lord from all our fears and troubles merciful Father. We humbly ask You wipe away corona virus from the face of the earth for You are mighty and Your power endures to all generations. Cause confusion in the enemies camp and let them fight among themselves like they did during the time of king Jehoshaphat for the sake of Your elect; because the battle belongs to You Oh Lord. What the enemy is planning against us is defeated because we belong to You and no one can snatch us from Your hand Jesus. We rely on Your promises for You are our Banner and Salvation, in Whom we put all our trust. Heal all those who are sick and suffering, and refresh our lives, families, relationships, marriages, churches, businesses, economy, nation and all the nations of the world; for the battle belongs to You Oh Lord. There is no one Holy but You Lord. There is none besides You, nor is there any Rock like You our God. May Your word remain the light in our minds and the discerner of our hearts desires. Forgive us all our sins dear Jesus and cover us with Your precious blood. Shepherd us in the way we should go and grant us favor. All power and victory belongs to You Jesus, our Lord and King. In Your faithfulness show Yourself faithful to us, in Your mercy show Yourself merciful to us, in Your strength reveal Yourself mightily Holy Spirit, for only You deserve our praise. Amen
Blessed Week
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