Revelation of the Word:
Revelation of the Word 03/04/2020 Admin
John 4:23-24
“Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”
-God is Spirit and we should worship Him in Spirit and in truth. We are spirit beings in a body and we are called to walk by the Spirit, and we will not gratify the desires of the flesh (Galatians 5:16). To worship in Spirit is to be led by the Holy Spirit and to praise in truth through the guidance of the word of God. The Holy Spirit becomes living water within us we who believe in Jesus Christ (John 7:37-38). When we worship and praise God, we get close to Him and especially during this time when churches are closed and we are at home most of the time. As we maintain social distance, we should make sure we reconnect with God as He says, “come near to Me and I will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded” (James 4:8). We should come near to God with humility of heart through repentance, praising and praying to Him and He will answer us according to His will.
Praise forms part of our fundamental beings as Christians. We should give thanks to God always for this is His will for us through Jesus Christ. David frequently praised God and when he was confronted by death, he requested God not to take his life; for the dead cannot praise Him. Paul and Silas also praised God despite the challenges they were facing and the Lord delivered them. Through praise and worship their hearts were raised into the joyous presence and peace of God, and this provided God a channel for His power to operate in their circumstances. This is what happens when we praise God, His power is manifested in our lives. Praises casts out fear in us and gives us hope and confidence in Christ. Praise to God should continually be on our lips and when we share with others what God has given us, such sacrifices please God. Praise to God should also come from deep within us as the Holy Spirit dwells in us. Praise is evident in heaven as a multitude of angels, twenty four elders and four living creatures praising God always. The Lord commands us saying “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord”. We are also reminded to rejoice in the Lord always and giving praises to Him only for He is deserving.
Lord You are our Strength and our Shield, whom shall we be afraid. Lord You are our Fortress and Deliverer we put all our trust in You. Praise be to You Lord, God of our father Israel from everlasting to everlasting. Yours, Lord is the greatness and the power, glory, majesty and splendor, for everything in heaven and earth is Yours. Yours, Lord is the kingdom; You are exalted as head over all. Wealth and honor come from You, You are the ruler of all things. In Your hands are strength and power to exalt and give strength to all. Now our God, we give You thanks, and praise Your glorious name forever. Grant us peaceful long lives full of good health and prosper us even as our souls prosper. Heal us Oh Lord and we will be healed, save us Lord and we will be saved for You are the One we praise. Be with our families and friends including those in foreign nations; that You may protect them and cover them with Your precious blood. Forgive us all our sins merciful Father and lead us in the way that we should go. Instill in us Your fear and love Holy Spirit that we may get closer to You and lead us in prayer and praise always. Give us solutions Lord in all areas of our economy and enlighten our paths through Your divine wisdom. Shepherd us Jesus in our divine purposes and may Your cross reign in our nation and all over the world. Only You are worthy of our worship and praise, we lift You name high. Yours Lord is the kingdom, the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen
Blessed Weekend
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