Revelation of the Word: Revelation of the Word:
THEME: SOUL 1 Peter 2:11 Beloved, I beg you as sojourners and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul INSIGHT -Soul... Revelation of the Word:


1 Peter 2:11

Beloved, I beg you as sojourners and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul

-Soul in Greek is written psuche as which means breath of life, mind, will and emotions. Several scriptures have outlined the word soul including: – Isaac’s soul blessed Jacob (Gen 27:4; 27:19), Shechem’s soul was strongly attracted to Dinah after he defiled her (Gen 34:2-3), when one dies the soul departs (Gen 35:17-19) and comes back when one resurrects; like the widow of Zarephath”s son (1 Kin 17:21-22), all emotions are in the soul e.g anguish (Gen 42:21-22), sorrow/downcast (Ps 43:5), patience/waiting (Ps 62:1), joy/rejoicing (Ps 86:3‭-‬6), fear/anxiety/trouble (Jn 12:26) etc. Blood makes atonement for the soul (Lev 17:11), Gods’ law converts souls (Ps 19:7) and preserves souls but those who are careless will die (Prov 19:16), God restores our souls (Ps 23:3), all souls belong to God (Ezek 8:4), Gods’ soul was pleased with Jesus (Mat 12:18), fleshly lusts war against the soul (1 Pet 2:11), we can possess our souls patiently (Lk 21:19), God’s peace preserves one’s soul, body and spirit (1 Thes 5:23), the word of God pierces through the soul (Heb 4:12) to bring salvation upon it (Jam 1:21) etc.‬
-The human kind is tripartite in nature having a soul, body and spirit (1 Thes 5:23). The soul also has three components; the mind, will and emotions. All forms of self seeking ambitions, to please and promote self through pleasure, wealth and power, form deep mental grooves that capture one’s soul. Fleshly lusts wage war against the soul and we are called to think like pilgrims and sojourners by focusing on the things above which do not perish. To judge our thought life as Christians and walk in integrity with God, to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ and to live by the will of God which is opposed to the flesh. We should notice that walking with God for long does not diminish the lust of the flesh. Noah in his old age got drunk after the flood and exposed himself naked before his family. King Hezekiah became proud and fell into sin. King David got into fleshly lusts and killed Uriah for his wife. Some of us have placed facades on our faces hiding from the realities that our souls have been captures by fleshly desires. We know that private victory precedes public victory; and we become enemies of the cross when we do not win. These lost battles affect those around us either directly or indirectly especially those we love most. We should therefore; put on the full armour of God so that we may stand against the schemes of the enemy, and not waiting passively as onlookers (Eph 6:11). We are reminded to seek the grace of Christ, repent our sins and focus on those things which are pleasing to God, knowing that every action will be judged. As pilgrims in enemy territory, we should to have a mind-set of aliens by fighting a war against fleshly lusts and keep our behaviour excellent and our way of life distinct. After we overcome these battles, we will have success through the victory that Christ won for us.

We thank You Father for Your goodness and mercy upon our lives. Thank You the gift of life and for the rains that You have provided unto us. We thank You for this far that You brought us and for the peace that we continue to enjoy in our country since we had independence. Thank You for victory that You have always won for us right from the cross, receive all the glory and praise Jesus. Guide all our thoughts, words and deeds Jehovah that we may always be conformed to Your image. Have mercy on us Lord and forgive us all our sins, sins of our family members, leaders and sins of our nation. Cleanse our minds, hearts and souls by Your precious blood Jesus and heal us mentally, emotionally, psychologically, physically, economically, financially, spiritually and socially, we humbly ask You. Oh God of all creation; bless this our land and nation, justice be our shield and defender. May we dwell in unity, peace and liberty, plenty be found within our borders. Amen

Blessed Mashujaa Day

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