Revelation of the Word:
Revelation of the Word 24/09/2019 Admin
Isaiah 42:8-9
I am the Lord , that is My name; And My glory I will not give to another, Nor My praise to carved images. Behold, the former things have come to pass, And new things I declare; Before they spring forth I tell you of them.”
-God is filled with honor and majesty and His crown of glory is everlasting. He does not share His glory with another and calls us to trust in Him alone; with all our hearts. He is our only Provider, Sustainer, Redeemer, Comforter, Healer and Deliverer, and neither mortal nor idol can be compared to Him. In all things we are called to believe in Him and give thanks to Him alone. God alone deserves our worship and praise and in Him alone can we find favour. Some put their trust in power, wealth, strength, fame, witchcraft and people in positions of authority; but we are reminded to look unto Christ alone; where our hope may be fully satisfied. When satan proudly elevated himself; he fell like lightning from heaven (Lk 10:18). When king Nebuchadnezzar; one of the greatest kings exulted himself, he ate grass like an ox, his hair grew like feathers of an eagle and his nails like claws of a bird, and his glory was no more. But when he looked us to heaven and worshiped the Most High God, his glory was restored (Dan 4:32-34). God can never share His glory with another nor His praise with carved images. He has promised that He will never leave us nor forsake us no matter what we are going through. God has good thoughts for us, thoughts to prosper us and not to harm us, thoughts to give us hope and a future. He is doing a new thing in our lives and reminds us hold fast our faith in Him, and at the appointed time; whatever we seek from Him shall spring forth.
How awesome is Your name Lord in all the earth. You are filled with glory and majesty and in Your courts are praises and rejoicing. Help us Lord to remain patient despite the pressures of life. Give us a heart of wisdom to wait on You and rely on You alone. Teach us Father how to pray and answer us according to Your divine purposes. Take precedence in our lives Jehovah and do a new thing for Your grace is sufficient for us all. Deliver us from pride Jesus, cleanse us from all evil and cover us with Your previous blood. Remember Holy Spirit all those who have lost their loved ones that You may settle their hearts with Your peace. Be with all our school going children Jesus and protect them from harm. Lord You are good and Your mercies endures forever. Thank You for loving us with Your everlasting love. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us now and forevermore. Amen
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