Revelation of the Word: Revelation of the Word:
THEME: WISDOM Proverbs 4:7‭-‬10 ‬‬‬‬‬ Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding. Exalt her, and she... Revelation of the Word:


Proverbs 4:7‭-‬10 ‬‬‬‬‬

Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding. Exalt her, and she will promote you; She will bring you honor, when you embrace her. She will place on your head an ornament of grace; A crown of glory she will deliver to you.” Hear, my son, and receive my sayings, And the years of your life will be many.

-Wisdom is the principal thing. If one therefore does not get anything else in this world, let him/her get wisdom. It is also a gift that each one should pursue and if one is lacking; let him ask of the Lord Who freely gives us (Jam 1:5). Often times do we hear on the media how money, power and fame have made some people happy and many follow this notion in pursuit of ‘the good life’ at all cost. Wisdom is the principal thing, let each one pursue her first and God will bless us according to His divine purposes. In todays scripture, we find that wisdom has been personified to bring out a relational kind of concept to indicate how we should interact with her. When we embrace and promote her; our reward will be honor, grace, glory and long life, same as what king Solomon received. Like wisdom is the principal thing, so is the fear of the Lord and to keep His commandments, which is the whole duty of man. As we know that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and God will judge every good and evil deed (Ecc 12:13‭-‬14). ‬‬‬‬Each one is therefore called to pursue knowledge, understanding and apply it through the gift of wisdom, which crowns us with glory; now and forever.  

Lord you are good and Your mercies endures forever. We thank You for this far that You brought us and for the peace that exists in our country. Be with our president Lord, his deputy, all governors, senators, women reps, mcas, mps, pses, cses, all investigative agencies, the judiciary and all other leaders in government; that you may fill them with Your wisdom as they executive their duties. We pray that corruption will be a thing of the past in this nation and prosperity may abound forevermore. Unite our nation loving Father with bonds of love that cannot be broken. Be will all the church leaders Father as they lead Your flock with wisdom. Remember also Lord; the family unit, that You may direct all our parents, grandparents, children, grandchildren, relatives and all members of our families in Your divine wisdom. Many families are broken among us Lord, we humbly ask You Jesus to restore them for You love us with an everlasting love. Many youth are lost Lord, we humbly ask You to renew their minds and guide them in the way they should go. Many others are waiting on You for marriage Father, show us Your merciful love for the glory of Your name. Be merciful unto us all Father in our work, businesses, projects, ideas, education and all things; that we may always rely on Your council. We pray for Your guidance in all things so that Your eternal wisdom may be our guide through You our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. May Your love never depart from our hearts as You increase our faith in You that it may be accounted to us for righteousness. Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God, and the followship of the Holy Spirit, be with us now and forevermore. Amen

Blessed Tuesday

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