Revelation of the Word:
Revelation of the Word 10/09/2019 Admin
Joshua 5:15
Then the Commander of the Lord ’s army said to Joshua, “Take your sandal off your foot, for the place where you stand is holy.” And Joshua did so.
-Joshua like Moses his predecessor was instructed by Jesus to take off his sandals for the place where he was standing was holy ground. It was a time when Joshua had sent two spies to the city of Jericho before its invasion. This was an important mission for the children of Israel and that instruction was of prime value to the leader. Joshua was encouraged to be strong and of good courage, and trust in the guidance of the Lord. That is; to submit his fears, anxieties, thoughts and all things to the Commander of the Lord; Who promised to be with him always. Also, to change his mind-set, keep the law and focus on the promises of the Lord gave to his forefathers, that he may have good success. Joshua and his people went round the wall of Jericho seven times, and when the people shouted and priests blew the trumpets, the wall collapses and they took over the city (Jos 6:20). God reminds us to take off our sandals and fully submit to His will; for His thoughts are higher than His thoughts and ways Higher than our ways; and we will have good success (Isa 55:9).
Lord You are our refuge and fortress we put our trust in You. We submit all our cares, burdens, anxieties, prayers and heart desires unto You for You care for us. We humbly ask You to take charge of our lives and fight for us for the battle belongs to You; the Commander of the Lord’s army. Cover us with Your pinions and preserve us from any evil thing. Renew our minds, thoughts and hearts desires so that we may be transformed and conform to Your holy will. Your love satisfies our souls Holy Spirit; remain in our hearts now and forever. Amen
Blessed Tuesday
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