Revelation of the Word: Revelation of the Word:
THEME: SANDAL Deuteronomy 29:2‭-‬5 ‬Now Moses called all Israel and said to them: “You have seen all that the Lord did before your eyes... Revelation of the Word:


Deuteronomy 29:2‭-‬5

‬Now Moses called all Israel and said to them: “You have seen all that the Lord did before your eyes in the land of Egypt, to Pharaoh and to all his servants and to all his land the great trials which your eyes have seen, the signs, and those great wonders. Yet the Lord has not given you a heart to perceive and eyes to see and ears to hear, to this very day. And I have led you forty years in the wilderness. Your clothes have not worn out on you, and your sandals have not worn out on your feet.

-Sandal in Hebrew is written as naalah which basically means shoe. Since the Bible is thematic in design, this theme has been used to communicate salient messages. God instructed Moses to take off his sandals for the place he stood was holy ground (Exo 3:5) and Joshua (Jos 5:15). God protected and clothed the Israelites with linen and sandals, washed them and anointed their heads with oil (Ezek 16:8‭-‬14). Jesus instructed his disciples to carry nothing but a staff, sandals and one tunic (Mark 6:7‭-‬9). John the Baptist was not worthy of loosing Jesus’ sandals (Jn 1:26‭-‬27) etc.
-God delivered the Israelites from slavery in Egypt, protected them from the danger Pharaoh and his troops posed to them, washed them by water and blood through the crossing of the red sea and Passover, watched over them at night by the pillar of fire and during the day through a cloud and ensured that their clothes and sandals did not wear out for forty years. Like in the wilderness where God provided manna for the Israelites; Christ revealed Himself faithful and became the bread of life that whoever partakes of Him will never hunger but have eternal life (Jn 6:37). God also provided water from a rock when they were thirsty and became the living water that whoever thirst may receive living water springing forth to eternity (Jn 4:14). When the Israelites were disobedience and worshiped idols; God had mercy on them and instructed Moses to make a bronze serpent and whoever looked at it was healed. This was a picture of the resurrection where Christ died for the sins of the world and whoever believes in Him has eternal life (Jn 3;14-15). These were physical manifestations that God showed for them but they did not appreciate His goodness. Like the Israelites, sometimes we murmur and complain and do not focus on the unending goodness of God upon our lives stemming from everlasting to everlasting. God has been good to us from generations to generation as evidenced through Biblical scriptures and reminds us to always have faith in Him; and dwell in abundant life. We are also called to give thanks to God in all circumstance and completely trust in Him and He will make every crooked path straight.

Great is Your faithfulness O Lord in all the heavens and the earth, we praise Your name. Thank You for the gift of life, gift of health, gift of family, gift of a peaceful nation, gift of faith, gift of salvation and many other gifts that You have bestowed unto us. You have always revealed Yourself faithful to us despite the challenges that we go through, we glorify You now and forever. You have clothed us, fed us, provided shelter for us, protected us, sustained us, redeemed us by Your precious blood and granted us unending love; we thank You Jesus. Forgive us Father for the many times we murmured, complained and gone against Your will and cleanse us by Your precious blood. Fill us with Your wisdom Lord and give us hearts of gratitude that we may always give thanks to You. All glory, honor, power and strength belongs to You Jesus; now and forever. Amen

Blessed Week

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