Revelation of the Word:
Revelation of the Word 20/08/2019 Admin
Proverbs 3:9-10
Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine.
-All glory, honor, power and wealth belongs to the Lord and He gives us the power to produce wealth (Deu 8:18). This is through the covenant God established with our father Abraham to bless us and increase us. We should always remember the Lord our God; and to honor Him with that which He gives us. God is faithful and by His merciful love; increases our revenues and guides us through new strategies to generate income; and reminds to offer our firstfruits, tithes, offerings and other resources to the needy. According to the Old Testament, the feast of the firstfruits was kept sacred and each one would offer according to their produce (Lev 23:10-17). These resources would be utilized by the priests and Levites; and the store house have abundance. It is prudent then to recognize that God is the creator of all the heavens and the earth and giver of all things. We are Gods’ custodians and should always remember to honor Him with whatever He bestows unto us.
Our Lord Almighty Father we come before You this morning with thanksgiving in our hearts. It is by Your mercy and grace that we have seen this day full of health. We humbly ask You Jesus to heal all those who are sick and suffering; for by Your stripes we are healed. Thank You for all the wealth that You have given us and everything that You continue to grant us. Help us to always remember to honor You with the firstfruit of our increase and everything that You have given unto us. Fill our hearts with generosity so that we may always give when we are called to; for the glory of Your name. You are full of grace and love Lord; remember Your covenant with Abraham that You may bless us and increase us according to Your will. Bless us Lord and keep us. May You make Your face to shine upon us and be gracious to us. Lift up Your countenance upon us and grant us peace. Amen
Blessed Tuesday
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