Revelation of the Word:
Revelation of the Word 09/08/2019 Admin
John 5:25
Most assuredly, I say to you, the hour is coming, and now is, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God; and those who hear will live.
-The voice of God transcends from everlasting to everlasting. Jesus says; My sheep hear My voice and follow Me, and I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand (Jn 10:27-28). All of us are called to listen to His voice and follow Him for He is our Salvation and Life. Christ has given us eternal life through faith in Him and even if we die we will live.
-The voice of God always communicates messages with key importance to us as evidenced through Biblical passages. Key being the design of communication, the purpose and impact of the message. Gods’ voice has been revealed through the entire Bible, dreams, vision and prophecy, by the Holy Spirit through our conscience and His voice from within us. The voice of God was heard during occasions of regime change especially when Eli was old and could no longer see. God called Samuel to take over priesthood from Eli. Another instance was when God told Elijah to appoint prophet Elisha in his place (1 Kin 19:13-16). God’s voice thundered powerfully when He spoke and creation was birthed. His voice is majestic like the sound of many waters and we have been created to worship Him. The Holy Spirit tells us that if we listen to His voice we should not harden our hearts like the Israelites in the wilderness; but to submit to His will in obedience. Like the temple stones were cut to fit accurately in their place, we are the living stones and our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit Who lives in us. We are therefore called to live holy lives founded on the Corner Stone Who is Christ through faith.
Holy holy holy are You Lord God Almighty Who was Who is and Who is to come. All glory, honour, grace and salvation belongs to You. We thank You Jesus for Your love and mercy upon us, our families, friends, leaders, churches, society and nation. Cleanse us from all our sins and renew our minds according to Your Kingdom purposes. Thank You Lord for giving us the gift of salvation and assuring us eternal life with You. Remember all those who do know You Jesus that they may hear Your voice and come to faith in You. Guide us Holy Spirit and direct our paths in everything we do and purpose to undertake. Help us to hear Your voice Lord before our own voice and always do according to Your will. We have seen Your glorious hand in all things and sing of Your praises everyday. May Your name be praise Father; now and forever. Amen
Blessed Weekend
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