Revelation of the Word:
Revelation of the Word 23/05/2019 Admin
Romans 15:5-6
Now may the God of patience and comfort grant you to be like-minded toward one another, according to Christ Jesus, that you may with one mind and one mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
-God in His nature bears patience and comfort, and grants us His gift of salvation. Christ Who is the Word dwells deeply in our hearts and grants us these virtues producing hope for a better future; in Him; through Him and by Him. Through His grace, we are like minded in His image and likeness and are called to love and edify one another. On the same wavelength we are reminded to give thanks to God in all things which is a form of praise and worship; and is pleasing to Him. Christ calls us to remain united with both the weak and the strong, in communion and mutual love, without despising, condemning or judging others; as He Himself received us with mercy and love, to be members of His body; the church and joint heirs with Him of His eternal felicity; to the glory of God our Father.
Blessed are You Jesus Who is seated at the right hand of the Father, we praise You and glorify Your holy name. You are the King of kings, Lord of hosts, our great I Am, our great High Priest and our sure Foundation, all glory and praise belongs to You. You are the God of patience and comfort, fill us with these graces dear Father. Be with our president, deputy president and all other leaders Father, that they may always seek Your wise council as they run the affairs of this nation. Be with our church leaders and all the congregants that we may always edify one another as instruments of Your love all over the world. Be with our families dear Lord that we may remain united with codes of love that can never be broken. Be with all those who are sick and suffering, and deliver us all from all afflictions merciful Father. You have called us Lord to be of one mind and to praise You with one voice, help us to always dwell in unity and love with each other for the glory of Your name. May Your peace which transcends all understanding guard our hearts and minds in You Christ Jesus; now and forever. Amen
Blessed Thursday
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