Revelation of the Word:
Revelation of the Word 19/04/2019 Admin
1 Peter 2:24
“He himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “by his wounds you have been healed.”
-Jesus took our place in substitution and died on the cross for our sins. Through His cross we are founded in our Christian faith and called to remain faithful to Him. Christ has crucified our old man in the flesh and has made us alive in righteousness through His everlasting love, that we may always follow His will. He has broken the power of sin leading to death through His sacrifice on the cross, liberated us to the Father and has granted us everlasting life through faith in Him.
Sin as we have seen is to miss the mark or being separated from God through failure to heed to His law of love for God and our neighbours. To be diverted in consciousness of God to selfish impulse that drives much of our behaviour. Through the sin of Adam sin came into the world and through the righteousness of Christ the power of sin was broken on the cross. Jesus Who was without sin became sin so that we may become the righteousness of God. Jesus mission was predestined before the foundations of the world and announced to Joseph in a dream that Jesus’ would be divinely conceived by his wife Mary and that He would save His people from their sins (Mat 1:21). Through His sacrifice on the cross, Jesus demonstrated His everlasting love for us while we were still sinners and justified us by His blood on the cross. He has reconciled us to the father and given us abundant grace through His death and resurrection. We are now a new creation, the righteousness of God and His heirs, that we may come to repentance and inherit His kingdom through faith. Since we have been born of God in Christ-likeness we do not sin for His seed remains in us (1 Jn 3:9). We have been conformed to His image and likeness and as His ambassadors, we seek Him first and represent Him here on earth through love. Christ has obtained victory for us though His death and resurrection that we may have everlasting life with Him through faith.
Thank You Jesus for paying the ransom for us on the cross. For taking away all our sins, shame and curses, and granting us Your grace. Cleanse us Jesus by Your precious blood and make us as white as snow. Heal all our physical, emotional, relational, financial and psychological wounds Jesus and renew our strength. Thank You Father for this far that You have brought us. You have strengthened us, healed our diseases, protected us, provided for us, opened many doors for us and sustained us, we glorify Your holy name. Remember Father all those who are sick, homeless, hopeless, orphans, widows, widowers, divorced, unmarried, childless, jobless, depressed, drug addicts and all those who are slaves to sin that You may show them Your salvation and give them rest. You have shown us exceedingly abundant love through Your death on the cross Jesus, we praise Your holy name. May the mysteries of Your salvation enlighten our hearts and minds to seek You always; for without You we are nothing. Worthy are You the Lamb of God Who was slain to receive all glory, honor, praise and adoration. We humbly ask You to bless us Jesus and keep us. Make Your face shine upon us and be gracious to us. Lift up Your countenance upon us and give us peace Jesus. Amen
Blessed Easter
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