Revelation of the Word:
Revelation of the Word 05/04/2019 Admin
Matthew 21:34
Now when vintage-time drew near, he sent his servants to the vinedressers, that they might receive its fruit.
-Jesus describes of the importance of fruitfulness and accountability through the parable of wicked vine-dressers. The vine-dressers having the privilege of working under lease on a well furnished vineyard; with a fenced plantation of vine trees, a wine press and tower. When the vintage time came, they were not willing to return their fruit to the master but mistreated his servants and killed his son with the evil intentions of keeping the inheritance. The vineyard is a picture of the earth, land Owner is God our Father, the servants are His prophets, priests and apostles, the son is Jesus Christ and the vine-dressers represent the religious leaders who rejected Jesus and eventually killed Him. How then do we respond to the authority of Christ and react when confronted with the truth through His word; in preparation for the vintage time, when He will come again. God has given us the opportunity to work in His vineyard with integrity, diligence and love holding fast faith in Him so that we can bear much fruit; until Christ returns at the end of time.
God is transcendent over time. He is the Beginning and the End; the First and the Last, and He is not bounded by time. He existed before the beginning of time and He will be there at the end of time. God is in control and is never late to answer our prayers even though sometimes we feel discouraged when we pray for a matter that the response takes longer than expected. God has a great plan for our lives and His purpose will always prevail. We have been called to believe and rest secure in Him during both; times of joy and seasons of hardship for His love for us will never fail. He created each one of us for a reason and has placed us where we are for a purpose. God has made us His children through His grace and enables us to take dominion on the earth for we are kings and priests; accountable to Him and have been given victory to reign. Like the master who entrusted the vineyard to the vine-dressers, we have been empowered to be fruitful, subdue and fill the earth through our various gifts, talents and potentials through the help of the Holy Spirit. Like the master who gave His servants talents and traveled to a far country (Mat 25:15-19), to one he gave five talents, to another two and the other one according to their abilities and required them to trade for a profit. We have been granted various talents according to our abilities, and those who are trusted with little will be given more responsibilities but those who are unfaithful with little will be cast-out into the outer darkness. Time is a valuable gift and should be utilized wisely as the Holy Spirit leads us; so that we may work hard in our areas of domain and multiply bearing good fruits through faith in Christ Who is the Vine, and we are His branches; until He comes back.
Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus You are Lord, we bow down before You Lord. You are the King of kings and Lord of lords Jesus, the Almighty Father, the First and the Last, we thank You for the rains and this far that You have brought us. We humbly ask You Holy Spirit to increase us in faith, love, wisdom, knowledge and understanding; that we may know and walk in Your divine purpose for our lives. You are Vine Jesus and we are Your branches, help us to manage our time properly Lord and always bear much fruit. You are the Corner Stone of our lives Jesus, take control of our lives, families, churches, children, societies and nation according to Your great mercy. We desire to be in Your presence always Lord, draw us near to You and fill our hearts with Your love. Amen
Blessed Weekend
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