Revelation of the Word:
Revelation of the Word 02/04/2019 Admin
Ephesians 5:15-18
See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is. And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit
-God has a purpose for each one of us; where some are different and others complement each other. He directs us individually through dreams, visions and His word; in commensurate with His divine wisdom so that we may walk circumspectly not as fools but wise redeeming time. Through the help of the Holy Spirit Who guides our walk in holiness and truth; we are aligned to His divine purposes; each one through their gifts, talents, abilities and capabilities. Time management is key in order to effectively utilize once potential, goals and objectives, avoiding time wasting activities, relationships and friendships that pose as a snag to our progress. The sons of Issachar understood the times, with knowledge of what Israel ought to do (1 Chr 12:32). They were skilled in the intercalation of months and years, analyzing the celestial to detect signs that they might show Israel what to do; and their teachers were two hundred chiefs of the Sanhedrin; and all their brethren excelled in the words of the law. Ones life is equated by the the number of years lived which is a factor of time; and an analysis is done when one passes on. Time wasted can be deemed as life un-utilised or lost. God is just as He direct us in His way and truth; that our lives focused on Him, we may achieve that which He has ordained for each one of us.
Lord You knew us before the foundations of this world and have created us to serve You in all our coming in and going out, have mercy on us. You have set our purposes from old Lord, graciously guide us on the way we should go. Many times we face opposition in our lives but we put all our trust in You Lord knowing that You will never leave us nor forsake us. Guide us Holy Spirit and help us to set our priorities right; walking circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming time, and give us the wisdom, knowledge and understanding that we may be focused only on Your will for our lives. Prune our life dear Father like the vine tree that we may bear much fruit and achieve that which You have placed into our hearts. Amen
Blessed Tuesday
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