Revelation of the Word:
Revelation of the Word 18/02/2019 Admin
1 Corinthians 10:13
“No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.”
-Temptation in Hebrew is written as maccah which means trial or test. It is also an enticement to evil thoughts, words or deeds, or a severe trial or affliction. In the Bible we find several citations of the word temptation with a wide range of meaning; in a sense of self examination; Job was tempted (Job 1:13-2:10), Christian character is tested (Rom 5:3-4 ; James 1:2-3), to denote testing & correction (Gal 6:1), Abraham’s faith was tested (Heb 11:17), Christian believers are encouraged to test themselves (2 Cor 13:5), people are tested by others to prove their truthfulness (Gen 42:15), knowledge (1 Kin 10:1), or character (Job 34:36). Those who desire to be rich often fall into temptations (1 Tim 6:9), In Jesus’ ministry Satan stands out as the great choreographer of temptation for he is referred to as the tempter (Mat 4:3), in the Lord’s Prayer we ask God not to lead us into temptations (Mat 6:13), temptation conceived leads to sin causing death & those who endure receive the crown of life (Jam 1:12-15), when temptation is yielded to, forgiveness is available through Christ (Heb 2:18 ; 4:14-16) etc.
-Job was an upright & blameless man, he feared God & was richly blessed. As the above scripture denotes; God knew that Job would not give into the temptations of the devil when all his livestock were wiped out, all his ten children were killed & he became sick. He remained strong in faith & praised God despite the confrontations by his wife to curse God & die. This was a difficult time for him & his family but God gave him the strength to persevere. After so much pain & suffering, God restored his health back & he doubled all that he had. Through these temptations, Job emerged stronger & victorious amid all the affliction he went through, he became a testimony that God is sovereign & we should give thanks to Him in all situations even when we undergo persecutions; with firm confidence that He will deliver us from them all.
Lord You are good & Your mercies endure forever. Thank You for the gift of life & this far You have brought us, we give You all the glory & praise. We humbly ask You Jesus to heal all the sick & suffering, & strengthen those who have lost their loved ones. Have mercy Father on all those who are homeless, all the street children, drug addicts, those who are jobless, hopeless, depressed, unmarried, childless, all our children, all those who serve in the armed forces, all our leaders, those struggling financially, emotionally & psychologically, settle all our hearts Lord through Your eternal peace. Bless our nation Father & cover us all Lord with Your precious blood. We thank You for Your care & protection Lord upon our lives; be exulted on high now & forever. Amen
Blessed Week
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