Revelation of the Word:
Revelation of the Word 21/12/2018 Admin
Luke 18:18
“A certain ruler asked him, “Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?”
-A rich young ruler felt deficient of inheriting eternal life despite having a lot of wealth, being in authority & keeping the commandments. When he asked Jesus what ‘he needed to do’ to inherit eternal life; he thought he would have salvation through his own works not knowing that it’s only possible through the mercy & grace of God. Jesus revealed that the man’s love for money was the barrier; for he became sad when he was asked to sell everything he had & give it to the poor thus storing up his wealth in heaven. We note that no amount of material wealth or position can fully satisfy someone but it’s only through Jesus Christ our Lord & Saviour. We also note that selling everything & giving all the money to the poor does not guarantee one eternal life but entry is only through believing in Christ; who is the Door to eternal life. Also; riches do not necessarily hinder one from entering the kingdom of God but it makes it more difficult than a camel to go through the eye of a needle, for one tends to rely on wealth & not on Jesus’ salvation power. God owns the heavens & the earth, & we are His stewards tasked to ensure that we manage our property, gifts, talents & time wisely, & continue doing good works with humility as each one is called. During this Christmas we are reminded to be generous, share our time, resources, gifts & talents with those who need it most, & to seek God wholeheartedly; for only through Him can we inherit eternal life.
Jesus became the Son of man, died & resurrected for our sake so that the son’s of men may become sons of God & inheritance eternal life through faith. By the birth of Jesus, we believe that God is continually renewing our minds, creating in us clean hearts, giving us fresh revelations, ideas, gifts & talents & birthing new graces in our lives, families & nation for the benefit of many. During this Christmas let us welcome Immanuel; God with us; into our hearts, together with God the Father & the Holy Spirit in the trinity; so that He may make His home in us as we remain in Him & He in us for only in Him are we guaranteed; eternal life.
We welcome You into our heart’s God to remain in our hearts forever. You are the portion of our inheritance & our cup; You maintain our lot, we trust in You Jesus. Through Your birth Jesus; grant us mercy, love, joy, grace & peace in our lives, families, relationships, friendships, marriages, work places, businesses, homes, institutions, societies, nation & the entire world. Help us to reconnect, reconcile, reunite with our families & friends with love during this Christmas festivities, for Your love & mercy endures forever. May Your peace that surpasses all understanding dwell in our hearts & minds, now & forevermore. Amen
We will continue next year God willing.
Merry Christmas & a Blessed new year
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