Revelation of the Word:
Revelation of the Word 14/12/2018 Admin
John 2:19
“Jesus answered and said to them, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.”
-After whipping the traders & overturning money changers table at the temple; Jesus condemned their actions & drove them all away. He then spoke about destroying the temple & rebuild it in three days referring to His body, for His assignment on earth was finally coming to an end. The fullness of time for his mission was approaching & the Holy Spirit strengthened Him throughout the whole process of His death & resurrection for the sake of all mankind.
Three is a unique number which has been used 467 times in the Bible & it means completeness. Jesus often used the number three in His address which also related uniquely to His life. For instance; His death & resurrection took three days (Mat 16:21), He was tempted three times (Mat 4:1-11), He began His ministry at the age of thirty & completed at thirty three; taking three years (Lk 3:23) etc. The number three is also used as a measure of time; for example, the Jews were instructed to consecrate themselves for three days before receiving the Ten Commandments (Exo 19:10-11) etc. Apostle Paul experienced three shipwrecks (2 Cor 11:25) & prayed three times for the Lord to remove a thorn in his flesh (2 Cor 12:7-8) & many other references. The number three also pays special attention to the church; for instance, the tabernacle had three sections same as the human body which is the temple of the Holy Spirit Who dwells in us. Three feasts brought all men of Israel before God & during Passover the church was birthed through Christs’ victory over death, & it was strengthened during the Pentecost through the coming of the Holy Spirit. Peter upon whom Christ built His church denied Jesus three times & was questioned about the love of Christ three times; pointing out Christs’ salvation power in the church. Jesus also drove away all the traders in the temple; teaching us that the love of money draws us away from God for one cannot serve two masters. We are the church (the body of Christ) for each one of us is an important part of it; possessing different gifts like apostleship, prophecy, teaching, miracles, healing, helping, guidance & tongues (1 Cor 12:27-28). Jesus reminds us to pray without ceasing & to present our prayers, petitions & thanksgiving to Him, & at the appointed time He will make everything new.
God You are good & Your mercies endures forever. Let everything that has breath praise You Lord. You have given us life, joy, wisdom, faith, love, peace, gifts, fruit & many other graces throughout the year; we praise You Lord. Though we encounter many challenges in our lives, families, churches, leadership & nation we still praise You Lord & give You thanks with firm faith that You have already delivered us from them all. Be with our churches, priests, pastors, clergy, church leaders & all brethren that we may be driven by love alone. You have good thoughts for us Father; thoughts to prosper us & not to harm us, to give us hope & a future; we praise You Lord. We believe that at appointed time Jesus; You will make everything perfect; we praise You Lord. Amen
Blessed Weekend
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