Revelation of the Word:
Revelation of the Word 22/11/2018 Admin
Romans 8:14
“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.”
-Life is full of uncertainties & often times we walk with the hope of a better day taking heed to Gods word that His time is perfect. Sometimes we totally forget to consult God in our decisions & actions unaware of the outcome but trust that all will be well. Other times when we pray; God reveals the best route for us to journey through; in our work, businesses, families, school, investments, spiritual life, relationships, interactions, leadership etc, through dreams, visions, signs, human & angelic influences, & His word. God also leads us out of danger through warnings of impeding threats & maps out a way in difficult situations even where there seems to be no way. Through faith in Christ Jesus; we are all sons of God, Abraham’s seed & heirs according to the promise (Gal 3:26-29). We have therefore been clothed in Christ & matured in faith; from childhood to a sonship status where we are tutored by the Holy Spirit in all things.
We thank You Jesus for dying & resurrecting for each one of us that we may believe in You & have eternal life. You have assured us that we are not worthless by setting us free from the bondage of sin through Your blood & clothed us with Your grace through faith & have united us as one in You, we give You all the glory & praise. Lead us Holy Spirit in our thoughts, words, actions, interactions, decisions & in all areas of our lives for we are Your sons. Many are the intentions of our hearts; hear us Holy Spirit & answer us according to Your abundant love, & fill us with Your gifts & fruit so that we may exhibit Your goodness in all our interactions. Amen
Blessed Thursday
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