Revelation of the Word:
Revelation of the Word 16/11/2018 Admin
Matthew 18:3-4
”Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”
-As the disciples argued on who will be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven & Jesus taught that one must be converted & become like a little child to enter His kingdom. Humility precipitates inheritance of Gods’ kingdom which is domicile within us (Lk 17:21). Jesus’ revelations on the beatitudes is essentially a message to His children about His kingdom principles. He added that the kingdom of God belongs to those who are poor in spirit & those who are persecuted for righteousness sake. He also spoke about humility saying that those who are meek will inherit the earth. Like a little child who is innocent, humble & is instructed by the Holy Spirit, those who are led by the Spirit of God are referred to as sons of God. We are also called to humble ourselves, live well with others, take heed to the word of God until He comes back to unveil a new heaven & new earth where we shall dwell forever.
-The theme child resonates around priesthood & kingship which Christ purchased for us by His blood so that we may have dominion & reign in all the earth. Jesus invites us to become like little children; ready to be taught by Him as He dwell in us together with the Father & the Holy Spirit as His kingdom dwells within us. This is an emphasis to each one of us to love God & our neighbours, to dwell in peace & reconciliation with one another as we wait for His second coming in glory to make everything new while we occupy our positions of domain here on earth as echoes in the beatitudes & His parables.
We thank You Jehovah for this far You have brought us, receive all the glory & praise. May Your kingdom come & Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven Lord. In poverty of heart we come to You yearning to be fill us with Your gifts, fruit & graces; Holy Spirit, have mercy on us. We are Your children Lord; teach us Your kingdom principles & walk with us in our areas of domain for the glory of Your name. All honor, wisdom, riches, power & strength belongs to You Lord; now & forever. Amen
Blessed Weekend
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