Revelation of the Word:
Revelation of the Word 06/11/2018 Admin
Proverbs 22:4
“Humility is the fear of the Lord; its wages are riches and honor and life.”
-We find out that the meaning of humility is to fear the Lord. Humility & wisdom therefore marry since the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom & the fruits are similar; riches, honor & life. According to 1 Kings 3:3-10, king Solomon demonstrated the fear of the Lord by loving God unreservedly, walking according to His statutes & additionally; offered sacrifices to Him. When God appeared to him in a dream he asked for wisdom, & God granted him riches, honor, peace & long life. Jesus confirms these truths through the beatitudes by saying; blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth (Mat 5:5).
We give You all the glory, honor, power & adoration our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ. Nothing can be compared to You Lord. Fill our hearts with wisdom, humility, love & the fear of You Father & help us to walk according to Your will. In Your merciful love Lord; grant us abundant prosperity in the fruit of our womb, the young of our livestock & the crops of our ground in the land You swore to our ancestors to give us. Open up the heavens, the storehouse of Your bounty, to send rain on our land in season & to bless all the work of our hands Jesus. We firmly believe that a day will come when we will lend to many nations & borrow from none because You are mighty Jehovah in every way. We believe that will always be at the top & never at the bottom, make us the heads & not the tails Lord, for Your love for us is everlasting. Amen
Blessed Tuesday
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