Revelation of the Word
Revelation of the Word 15/10/2018 Admin
1 Kings 10:26
“Solomon accumulated chariots and horses; he had fourteen hundred chariots and twelve thousand horses, which he kept in the chariot cities and also with him in Jerusalem.”
-Horse in Hebrew is written as sus which is derived from the word yehôshûa which means God rescues or Yahweh saves. Horses were mostly used for military purposes in Biblical times unlike today where that are used for sports, entertainment & other activities. There is a wide variety of horses classified by their types & breeds, & registered according to the country of origin & bloodline, & are grouped differently from ponies & mules.
-King Solomon imported horses from Egypt & all other countries (2 Chr 9:28). Most of these horses were procured for military purposes & Israel had a massive & established army with a concoction of horses & chariots; maintained in different cities. The horses from Egypt were considered strong & beautiful, & King Solomon applied charming word in imagery to address his darling & likened her to a mare among Pharaoh’s chariot horses (Song of Songs 1:9). Probably Solomon learnt from his father David who established a force full of horses & chariots even capturing such after successful conquests (2 Sam 8:4). Like the men of Beth Togarmah who exchanged chariot horses, cavalry horses & mules for your merchandise (Eze 27:14), Solomon is also believed to have traded his horses with other nations. Throughout Biblical history; we see that even with a strong military force full of powerful horses & beautiful chariots like the ones Egyptians had during the time of Israel deliverance from bondage, Gods’ purpose still prevailed; for all the Egyptian armies, horses & chariots were swallowed by the waters of the Red Sea as Israelites prevailed.
We thank You Lord our Father for Your goodness & mercy upon our lives & for the grace to see this beautiful day, all the glory & praise belongs to You. Some trust in horses, some trust in chariots; but we put our complete trust in You our Lord & Saviour. Cover us with Your precious blood merciful Father & cleanse us from all our sins. Protect us Lord by Your hedge of fire & bless the work of our hands. In You only Lord our hearts rejoice, as we wait upon You in hope that You may guide & direct us in family life, business, work, school, spiritual growth, ministry, service to others, leadership & all other purposes for Your glory. You have given us Your everlasting love Father, there is nothing we shall want. All authority & strength belongs to You Jesus, now & forever. Amen
Blessed Week
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