Revelation of the Word
Revelation of the Word 24/09/2018 Admin
Genesis 40:9-10
“So the chief cupbearer told Joseph his dream. He said to him, “In my dream I saw a vine in front of me, and on the vine were three branches. As soon as it budded, it blossomed, and its clusters ripened into grapes.”
-Cupbearer or butler in Hebrew is written as mashqeh which means a high ranking royal official primarily in charge of serving the king wine using special cups. Due to the sensitivity of his work, he was a person of high moral conduct, trust, irreproachable loyalty, capable of winning the king’s complete confidence.
-The chief cupbearer & chief baker of Pharaoh were both imprisoned & put under Joseph in the dungeon. They later had a dream on the same day & Joseph helped them in the interpretation. The chief cupbearer was restored back to his position but the chief baker was condemned just as Joseph had interpreted (Gen 40:21-22). In his dream, the chief cupbearer saw a vine in-front of him having three branches on it which blossomed & clusters ripened into grapes. Christ Who died for our sins & after three days resurrected is the Vine & we are His branches. We are called to remain in Him as He is in us that we may blossom & bear much fruit.
We thank You Jesus our Lord for Your graces & mercies upon our lives, receive all the glory & praise. Have mercy on us Father & protect us from all evil. Forgive us all our sins Jesus & cleanse us by Your precious blood. We humbly ask You to help us to abide in You Jesus our true Vine so that we may blossom & bear much fruit. Restore the moral, economic & financial health of our nation Lord, so that we may prosper in all good things. All glory, honor, riches, authority, power, praise & blessings belong to You Father, now & forever. Amen
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