Revelation of the Word
Revelation of the Word 17/09/2018 Admin
Nehemiah 8:10
“Then he said to them, “Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet, and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared; for this day is holy to our Lord. Do not sorrow, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.””
-Joy in Greek is written as khar-ah which means delight, cheerfulness & gladness. There is a difference between joy & happiness. Happiness is a temporal feeling of pleasure that is often dependent on something pleasant happening but joy is a permanent fruit given to us by the Holy Spirit. Jesus confirms that joy is permanent/ unending when He says that; His joy remains in us & that it may be full (John 15:11) & our joy no one will take from us (John 16:22). After the successful rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem, Nehemiah told the people to eat, drink & share with those who did not have, for they had obtained victory despite great pressure elicited from their enemies. In the same way the world is full of fear, worry, anxiety, discouragement, pressure, frustrations etc, that even with the pursuit of pleasure they do not bring us to deep & lasting happiness. Nehemiah later dedicated the wall of Jerusalem to the Lord & there was great joy & celebration in the land (Neh 12:27-43). We are called to cast all our burdens & cares unto Jesus for through His works on the cross we achieve liberty in Him. Further, due to the permanent nature of the joy of the Lord, we remain strong & unshaken, rooted in Him so that when pressure, discouragement, hopelessness, anxiety & other forms of weaknesses come our way; we remain victorious through faith in Him.
We are glad & delight in You Lord for Your goodness & mercy upon our lives. Many are the times we have been anxious, discouraged, doubtful & hopeless through various experiences; but Father Your joy has remained our strength. We humbly ask You to cover us & protect us by Your precious blood that no evil snare may harm us. We thank You Father for encouraging us through Your word everyday Lord, we put all our hopes & trust in You. We rejoice & glory in Your name Jesus, there is none other like You; receive all our thanksgiving & praise. Amen
Blessed Week
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