Revelation of the Word
Revelation of the Word 14/09/2018 Admin
Luke 22:48
“But Jesus said to him, “Judas, are you betraying the Son of Man with a kiss?””
-It is interesting how Judas betrayed Jesus after three years of discipleship & had the courage to walk to his Friend & kiss Him instead of simply pointing at Him. We can contrast Judas kiss of betrayal with the kisses of love by the sinful woman who anointed Jesus feet with expensive fragrant oil from the alabaster flask. Judas’ kiss of betrayal reveals ones character when he/she indulges into will-fully sin & the sinful woman’s kisses of love can be likened to one reconciling with God through repentance. Judas’ betrayal haunted him later; he threw away the 30 pieces of silver, neither did he repent nor turn back to Jesus before hanging himself, what a sad ending. We are called to be reconciled to God Who is full of mercy & love, & clothes us with His righteousness by the continuous redemption of our sins.
In the image & nature of God we have been created; consciously having the knowledge of good & evil that we may not only seek to only hear but to do according to His will. A kiss may be classified into two main parts; a kiss of love & a kiss of betrayal. The kiss of love is associated with love itself, affection, reconciliation, care, homage, unity, social worship etc. while the kiss of betrayal relates to ones sinful desires. In this realization we are called to hold fast love for God & our neighbors; by which the fear of the Lord is yielded & leads to wisdom. We also know that nothing can wholesomely quench our desires be it family, wealth, relationships etc, but only Jesus Christ can completely satisfy us for without Him we are nothing. We are therefore called to offer our bodies as living sacrifices with sweet fragrances holy & acceptable to God which is reasonable service.
We bow down at Your feet Jesus with humility in our hearts, have mercy on us & on the whole world. Purify us Lord by Your precious blood & renew our minds that we may adhere to Your good, acceptable & perfect will. Your love satisfies us Jesus, have mercy on us, our families, leaders, friends, societies, nation & the whole world. Thank You for Your sacrifice on the cross for us all; we look to You & turn to You Christ our Savior; lead us in Your ways of righteousness, truth & life. All glory & praise belongs to You Lord. Amen
Blessed Weekend
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